Chapter 6

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The next day, he found himself walking to Hogsmeade again, this time with Sebastian and Claire, talking about small things. Or rather, Claire and Sebastian talked, and Ominis mostly just listened, responding only when Sebastian asked him a direct question, still turning over what Imelda had said to him. The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Though he couldn't fathom what on earth he had that Silver wanted, he had even less idea why she'd actively want to spend time with him out of the goodness of her heart.

His expression was dour as he walked a pace or two behind his best friend and the Hero of Hogwarts, careful not to get too close and step on their heels. Perhaps, though he hated to think it, Imelda had a point. He was a grumpy, unapproachable, introverted and ugly man, preferring to sit alone more often than not, rarely speaking with anyone other than the Sallow twins and Claire unless he had to. He had no riches to offer, it was no secret that the Gaunts were in dire financial straits, though no one ever dared say it aloud.

His name did carry weight, though. He was a Gaunt, an heir of the great Salzar Slytherin himself, feared and hated by many, if not most people he met. The only reason he wasn't outright hexed wherever he went was through the unending friendship of Sebastian and Anne, their significant efforts to show his better side, and his own dedication to being as unobtrusive as possible, and nothing but civil to strangers, unless they gave him cause to be rude. He had a good sense about people, anyway.

Or so he thought. He'd thought Silver was a nice person, and he'd almost dared to think she might be interested in being his friend for no reason other than she might want a friend, perhaps even daring to hope that she might think him interesting, or good company. Perhaps not. The Gaunts were the oldest pureblood family on record, and their connections were far reaching. Perhaps that's what Silver wanted from him. The connection to his family, to Slytherin, and all the benefits that offered. Her family were Dark Wizards, after all. She'd said. How could he trust that she wasn't one?

He had to know more.

They entered Steeply and Sons, heading upstairs to the slightly more private room and finding a table, Sebastian telling boisterous jokes that drew slightly forced laughter from Claire. Ominis didn't miss the mild desperation humming under Sebastian's voice, and he cleared his throat delicately as Claire made an excuse to run up the road and pick up a package from J Pippin's.

"Forgive me, Sebastian, but I'm sensing something's still not quite right," Ominis murmured, the moment they were alone.

"Ah, we're fine," he replied, taking a large bite of cake and speaking with his mouth full. Ominis winced a little. "She's just bogged down with work, looking forward to relaxing today, y'know? But never mind that, I've barely seen you this last week, everything alright?"

Ominis nodded slowly, tilting his head and listening hard for anyone hovering too close to them.

"Actually, Sebastian, I was wondering if I could ask you something."

He took another bite of cake. "Sure."

Ominis fiddled with his wand. "What do you know about Silvermaria? Aside from the obvious."

Sebastian gave a low, almost triumphant laugh. "Ah, this is the 'nobody special' Silvermaria? The same one who you spent the whole day with yesterday, but there's 'nothing going on?' That Silvermaria?"

Ominis glowered, not bothering to ask how he knew. Imelda had a notoriously big mouth, and no concept of an inside voice. "I'm simply curious, Sebastian. The rumours I've heard are rather different from the woman herself. I want to be sure I'm not missing anything."

"Oh? Why's that?" he could hear Sebastian's shit-eating grin.

He fought the urge to jinx his ears off. "Because," he said, struggling to keep his voice level. "For reasons unknown to me, she seems to have decided to attempt to be my friend, and before you interrupt, that's all I'm interested in. I have no desire to treat her the same way every other slimy bastard in Scotland does."

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