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Tommy hummed the L'mangurg anthem as he strolled down the field path waiting for Tubbo to catch up.

"Big man you can just run off! You know what they do when we break the rules"

Tommy huffed before running again. Tubbo ran after him and knocked him over.

"what was that for!?" Tommy yelled out before freezing at the sound of footsteps

rule 1: don't run ESPECIALLYY not in front of soldiers

tommy shut his mouth as a voice called out "What was that?" It was Dream. One of the most feared soldiers in the entire human regiment.

rule 2: don't draw attention to yourself

that was a rule Tommy was bad at unless a soldier was around 

"Over here!" a second voice rang through the feild. it was Sapnap the second most feared soldier. Sapnap and Dream were rarely together unless George was around "yea I see them" just as expected the third most feared soldier voice sounded. the words are more soft-spoken than the other two.

Tommy glanced at Tubbo who was looking for an escape route if they were found. suddenly an alarm blared signaling 1 hour until curfew The trio walked off after they heard it knowing they were needed to patrol the villages after dark. That was more important than the two kids luckily.

Rule 3: NEVER speak about the L'manburg founder

Tommy never followed that rule. How could he if his brother was the founder

"Wilbur Stood" he muttered his voice dripping in spite as the soldiers left 

"tommy!" Tubbo hissed "what are you thinking!"

"what? i'm not alowed to talk about my brother?" he retorted his voice back to normal volume

"you know that'snot what i mean." tubbo spoke seriously but somehow lighthearltedly at the same time.

Rule 4: don't break cerfew

Another alarm blared signaling 59 minuets until cerfew. their portion of the country was around an hour away but Tommy knew the shift changes and house checks like the back of his hand. he could be at least five minuets late without being discoverd. Tubbo could be ten.

They continued to walk down the cobble path that met a dirt road at the end. In a small dip at the side there was a tunnel that Tommy (much to Tubbos protest) dragged tubbo into

"i tested this sunday it's quicker we will get home in half an hour if we don't go slow" he explaned which shut tubbo up.

they walked through the damp tunnel in the dark until Tommy reached into the wall and grabbed a box of matches and a beeswax candle. he struck the match to lite the candle then put the box back. they continued on with the flickering light illuminateing the tunnel.

"it's like a massive pipe" Tubbo thought aloud

"kinda is" tommy looked at him "Wilbur used it as a hidden entrance to a coal mine. it's why the humans never found it 'cause you need wings to get down" tommy gently flapped his wings as an emphasis and Tubbo made a buzz with his own.

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