A larger backstory about you

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-Some Halloween Tam! Credit goes to Dragonwinnie, she makes chibi KOTLC and her art is amazing! Make sure to check her out!

-Honestly, I'm fangirling right now, so bad!

-I realized I should have done this before I made all of those chapters, also thanks for 2.4k reads and 57 votes! ♥╣[-_-]╠♥

-Your name - Y/N Silver

-Your parents - Lin Silver (mom) and Grayson Silver (dad)

-Your younger sibling - Mika Silver (sister) and/or Brazen Silver (brother) - choose if you want one, or both or none.

-Your pet - Dewdrop (murcat) or Twilight (Imp)

-Birthday - May 2nd  (Personally mines May 1st)

-Foxfire Rank - Level 4 with Sophie and the others 

-Ability - SHADE!

-Parents background - They work for the Council and are away from home most of the time, but when they are home, they treat you like a princess, listening to you and making sure you pick the right "friend". ;)

-Who would be your parents in KOTLC, personally I would love to have Edaline and Grady as mines!

-Boyfriend - TAM SONG OF COURSE!!!

-Best girl friends - Sophie, Linh, Marella, Biana, Marcua!

-Best guys friends - Dex and Wylie!

-Fav food - and you have no idea how many there are, I'm gonna post another chapter labeled KOTLC Food, got all the food from KOTLC Wikipedia! Pick and choose and let me know!

If there's anything else you think I should add, comment below! Thanks for reading! Have a good day/night and enjoy reading! - Moonstar

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