A New Song

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Cassie Morrow came home to a quiet house. Luke said he needed to go do something and he would be back late. Cassie dumped her stuff on the table and checked her device for her insulin. It was all good, but she would have to eat something soon to make sure it didn't drop drastically. But first, Cassie had some lyrics to write for her new song. Problem was, she had no idea what to write. She sat down on the balcony and mulled over some ideas...nothing. Before she knew it, she felt herself getting dizzy. Peaches, their dog barked and Cassie tried to stand. The world spun and Cassie collapsed.

Riley drove toward Cassie and Luke's house. Frankie was gone and she felt a bit lost. Cassie had been a great help and Riley needed some encouragement. She pulled in and heard Peaches barking. That was odd, the dog never barked unless...something was wrong. Riley ran up the stairs and flung open the unlocked door. Her eyes spotted Cassie on the balcony, out cold. She ran over frantically, "Cassie, wake up! What's going on!? 911! I need to call for help." Riley dug her phone out and dialed hurriedly.

Luke Morrow nervously waited on the Marine officers in the other room. He had come in to request to join once again as an assistant to drill sergeant to help train troops. And hopefully become one himself on day. The head officer came out and motioned for Luke to sit and sat down beside him, "Luke, we may be able to work something out. Now you will have to go through multiple stages because of your past, but there's a good chance we could get you back in." Luke smiled, "Thank you sir." The officer handed him a paper, "Sign and you'll be back on track." Luke signed and shook hands with the man. He was walking out when he got a call from Riley, Frankie's girlfriend before he had died. He picked up, "Riley what's up?" "It's Cassie, Luke! I drove over to your house and found her unconscious. I called the ambulance and they just took her back to figure out what's wrong." Luke was already running to his car, "Cassie has diabetes and if she doesn't have her insulin or doesn't eat, she starts going downhill fast. The doctors will take care of her there, but I need to swing by the house and grab her papers for her prescription. Can you stay with her?" "Of course...is she going to be okay?" Luke took a deep breath, "Let's hope so."

Cassie woke to bright lights and Riley's face hovering over hers, "You're awake! The doctors were getting worried. I found you passed out on the floor, are you feeling better?" Cassie's head was swimming from the effects of her sugar dropping to dangerous levels and she groaned, "Luke, where is he?" "On his way, he said he had to swing by your house to grab some prescription stuff." "Thanks Riley." Riley smiled gently, "That's what friends are for." Cassie leaned back, "How did you even find me?" "I was going over to pop in and found you out cold." Cassie noticed Riley's face fall slightly, "You're thinking about Frankie aren't you?" Riley sighed, "It's just really...hard. Even though it's been 7 months, it's still painful as ever." Cassie reached over and took Riley's in her own, "I know how it feels. Frankie was like a little brother to me." Riley wiped away tears, "Thank you Cassie." Just then Luke came in, "Cass are you feeling better?" Cassie nodded, "Yeah, a little shaky, but that's it." Riley stood, "Well I should be heading home, goodbye you two." Cassie and Luke gave her their thanks and Riley left. 

Luke sat down next to Cassie, "You gave me a scare." Cassie closed her eyes, "I have to keep you on your toes, since you're general's can't do it anymore." Luke grinned, "I have some good news Cass, I talked with the head Marine officer and signed some papers. I'm able to get back in as an assistant to a drill sergeant. And hopefully become one later on myself." When Cassie didn't respond, Luke frowned, "Why Cass, aren't you happy? I got back in." Cassie smiled tightly, "Yeah that's great Luke." Luke crossed his arms, "You're lying Cassie Salazar." Cassie sighed, "I am happy for you Luke, it's just...you wouldn't be deployed right?" "There is a chance if there's a war or if I choose to command a team that I trained if I become a drill sergeant. I'm not going anywhere soon though Cass." Cassie smiled more genuinely now, "Congratulations then, I'm very proud of you."

Cassie was discharged later and Luke helped her to the house. He had a small limp, but besides that, he was fine. Well save for the nightmares and stuff. As they laid on the couch that evening, Cassie was jotting down words in her notebook. She let out a huff, ripped out the page, crumpled it into a ball and threw it on the floor, "I cannot get any words together!". Luke picked up the discarded paper, unfolded and smoothed it out." Life's going crazy, full speed ahead. It's looking like a bright day, walking on the beach. But I can't stop, I can't stop worrying, worrying about you." 

Luke finished reading and looked at Cassie, "Cass this looks great, why did you throw it out?" Cassie stood and paced, "It's not right Luke, it's...just off." "Hey you'll figure it out, let me know if I can help." Cassie shot him a small smile, "Thanks."

The next day Cassie met with the band. "So you got some ideas for a new song?", asked Nora, Cassie's best friend. Cassie shook her head, "Not right now, but hopefully soon." Nora noticed Cassie wasn't wanting to talk about it, so she moved the conversation on. After the meeting was over, Nora caught Cassie before she left, "Cass wait up!" Cassie stopped, "Yeah Nora?" Nora placed a hand on her shoulder, "Is everything okay?" Cassie shrugged, "I just can't seem to fit the words together for a new song, that's all." Nora pulled Cassie into a hug, "Don't stress Cass, you got this."

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