His Dae

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"You said he was improving," I hissed to Marge as I grabbed a hold of the hand he had reached out for me. My heart was still racing as he had looked at me with so much fire in his eyes, his hand seeking mine before he passed out.
"He said he was in pain, needed some medicine. Seemed like a lie, but you said to make sure he was comfortable and I couldn't risk-"
I cut her off. "Has he said anything?"
"Well. He did say to kiss him awake? But that could have been the medicine talking."
My eyes flew to his lips at her word. They were drained of color with a pale scar running through the top and bottom lip at an angle.
Cheeks burning, and feeling flustered, I let go of his hand and took a step back. "That's rather inappropriate," I commented for her sake when in reality all I wanted was to kiss this man. But not while he was passed out. I wanted to feel what he would do with his tongue, how rough or soft he would be when we do kiss.
His comment was more proof that he wanted me. Gideons words that he hated me, kept me up at night. Was it hatred or passion that burned in his eyes? Why did I feel a connection between us?
I nearly shouted in frustration that he was asleep.
"Don't let him abuse the medicine. Give light doses from here. He needs to heal and be clear minded and strong before his next challenges."
Grabbing onto the white material of my flowing dress, I turned and headed back towards my own room. That was only down the hall. I may have overdressed, I realized as I gazed at myself in my room mirrors. Thick chunky gold jewelry rested around my neck and diamonds as big as rocks in my ears, with tiny white flowers placed in my ink black hair, gold dust swiped across my eyelids, I knew I had overdressed to impress him. To have him continue to look at me with lust.
It felt silly now though as I carefully took off all my accessories and replaced my dress with a more comfortable robe. Rubbing off my eye makeup and pouting all the way through dinner alone. All my years doing the same routine and out of nowhere I finally felt as alone as I was. I finally understood why some staff members shot me looks of pity. They knew what it was like to be wanted, to be loved and have many nearby who cared for them. They knew all along what I was missing and I hadn't realized it until Marcus came and declared I was his.


It took two more whole days to finally get Marcus in front of me, coherent and completely sober of the pain medicine. This time, I had him brought to me, in my room. Never would I have expected the first words he spoke to me now that we were finally together and alone.
"You have some real big balls on you," he hissed out. My eyes immediately flew downwards to check to make sure I was not disrobed somehow. But nope, my too thin white collared dress was flowing down my ankles. No way he could see more than my nipples through the fabric as it was sheer up top. "You really trust me alone with you?"
Ah, right. He was a murderer after all. And apparently a well trained solider at that.
"Thank you, for fighting in my wars," I thought to congratulate him as I did any subject who fought in my wars. It usually caused a good reaction. Like a head nod or thank you. But it was the worst thing to say to Marcus because he exploded.
Before I knew it he was slamming into me, a sharp point of an object slicing the air towards my face. My back hit the wall with an 'oof' sounding being knocked out of me, I barely had time to move my head before he plunged it into the wall next to me. I eyed the cutlery now stuck in the wall.
"Touchy subject," I said dryly, "noted."
"You're a heartless bastard Idris Dae," he said my name like a curse but all I could focus on was how his strong arms were close to me, one even leaning against my chest, keeping me pinned, the other near my head. I could feel his body heat radiating off of him he was so close to me.
My eyes flickered up in time to see his gaze trained onto my lips. But not for long as he stared down into my eyes. I could now confirm he was taller than me, but just by a few inches.
"You want me," I whispered, my eyes looking back at his full lips that had more color in them today than a couple days ago. When I placed my hand onto his hips and slowly slid it up his chest, he groaned as his eyes fluttered closed. It was all over too quickly as he shot back. Almost as if I had stabbed him.
"Sorry did I hurt-"
"Do not put your hands on me like that ever again." The rejection shot through me.
"Are you married?" I kicked off of the wall and took a half step closer which made him take two steps back. He looked wary of me. As if he was unsure of himself. I narrowed my eyes. He was sending me very confusing mixed signals. Did he want me or not? Maybe he wanted to earn me as some sort of reward for winning the challenges, maybe it was what would make him win. It made sense, for one to do the impossible, one must have something to look forward to when it's done. So I was to be his reward huh. In that case, I would just have to tease him for now.
"Yes, of course, I've had so much time in between wars to find my one true forever mate. We married as soon as I got back from the last one," his tone was dripping with sarcasm and bitterness but it didn't stop my chest from feeling tight.
"Give me a straight answer," I grounded out through my teeth, my hands curling at my side.
Marcus raised his eyebrows at me and blinked. "You are serious? Does it really matter Dae?" He kept saying my name as if we were close and not as if we were the strangers that we were. It made me feel at ease with him, like meeting back up with a long time friend.
"It matters to me," I folded my arms across my chest not liking that he wasn't giving me an answer. "Do you have someone waiting at home? Or you love them?" I fired out the questions when his expression started to look amused. He lazily made his way to my sitting chair and plopped down into it, taking up space as he leaned back and spread out his legs, taking up more space than necessary. I could not help but look at his strong thighs and had the urge to slid into his lap and straddle him. Unfolding my arms, I let them hang in front of me. Hoping to hide my painfully obvious hard on. Anytime he was near he caused this effect and I wasn't even used to dealing with this problem. My dresses made it that much easier to spot it.
His eyes flickered down as I fiddled nervously with my hands and then back to my face, his smugness and amusement deepening.
"And you Idris? Obviously your precious marriage, that you wanted so bad, ended terribly. Your kingdom's soldiers have scars to remember that bad marriage," he touched his lip as his eyes got a faraway look. He had many scars, and I bet they were all if not most from the two wars he entered. But no one was forced to fight more than one war and only if they didn't have a good reason not to. One lad I excused because he was all his mother had and she was sick. Anyone was allowed to petition not to go. But it paid well. And so more likely than not, men were excited to go to war, to fight battles, to set off on exploring and missions for the kingdom.
"Sorry about that. Not my best moment as king," I shrugged and his face darkened at my weak apology. It seemed I only said all the wrong things to this man. I all but wanted to give up, he was frustrating to be around. But if I were being honest with myself, my feet were rooted in spot, wanting to drink him in for as long as possible. His personality so far was not much to be desired, but the fact that my dick was as hard as ever proved to me that he was the one for me. He sat up straight, leaning forward as I came to perch on the edge of my bed to face him.
"I've only ever loved one person. And I'll never love again," he said in a cold tone. I had to stop myself from bristling as my cheeks warmed. Never again? I wanted to whine.
Looking away I told him, "Who needs love anyway." I looked back at him with a sly look as I slid my foot seductively up from his ankle to the back of his knee. His eyes flashed and between one blink and another he was on top of me, his hand around my throat as his full body weight pressed me into the bed, my legs spread around him.
"Idris, don't you dare toy with me," his grip tightened and I could finally see in his expression what I had mistaken for passion. Gideon was right. Pure hatred shone in his eyes as he looked down at me as if I were the root to all his suffering. As he tightened his hold, I could see how much he wanted to kill me. He cut off all my air supply as I gasped out and clutched at his hands.
Marcus snarled in my face, . "I've imagined this day, I've plotted your death in my mind over and over, my anger and revenge has driven me far, I've cut my way through walls of men as easy as butter, all because I was hot with rage from your betrayal, my anger and bitterness has saved me from deaths clutches, I lived in spite, and here I am, before you, the very man who is the reason to my troubles and I still..." he trailed off as he released his grip on my neck and I was able to pull in a few deep breaths of air. When he choked me it felt more like in the throes of passion choking rather than a very serious I'm going to kill you choking. So maybe there was still hope for us?
"You still, what?" I finally breathed out, my chest rising and falling between us. He climbed off of me and stepped back until he stood by the door.
"...can't kill you." Marcus shoulder drooped. "Not yet at least. Not with you like this," he indicated to me, making me flutter in spot, left speechless. Now let me the fuck out." He banged on the door, alerting the guards waiting outside. They immediately popped in and stared at me, waiting for my command. I still had so many questions. Why did he hate me? What did my kingdom do to him or his family? Was there anything I could do, to make it better and so we could finally fuck it out? But I didn't want to push him. There was still plenty of time before his challenges would come to an end.
"Take him," I flicked my wrist and did a go away motion. He didn't even look back as they lead him away and closed the door softly behind them.
Looking down I realized I was still sporting a raging hard on. And there was now a small wet spot. Fuck, I almost came from the man simply choking me. Maybe I was a masochist after all. Was that what it took to get me going? I had a feeling whatever Marcus wanted to do to my body, that I would throughly enjoy it. I felt a connection with him that I've never felt with anyone. It was as if I had been missing him this whole time and didn't realize it until I saw him. As if I hadn't realized I've been living on short breaths this whole time and for the first time ever my lungs were expanding to the max, allowing in fresh air. My body sang for him. My heart tried to escape my chest every-time he was around.
I hated that he hated me. I wanted to make it right. And so I would have to hunt down information on who Marcus was and where he came from, who was his family.
Unfortunately, I'd usually go to Gideon, but he obviously wouldn't approve and would try to get involved. No, I would have to be on my own in finding out everything there was to know about Marcus, who didn't even have a family name.

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