Chapter Twelve 》Ben

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I was honestly dying. I couldn't wait anymore for tomorrow! It was slowly killing me. Time just couldn't go any slower.

"Ben, dinner's ready!" My dad called from downstairs. I leaped off of my bed and paused the song that was playing.

I jogged down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where I sat down at the table.

"You excited? After all, tomorrow is the big day." He said, winking as he took a seat.

"Dad, don't say that. You're making it sound like we're gonna have sex or something." I shuddered as I took a bite out of my food (A/N: I can't think of a fucking food right now).

"Well, you never know." He shrugged, "Just use protection. You can borrow some-"

"Please, stop. I'm trying to eat." I begged. I really didn't feel like having 'the talk' all over again. It was awkward enough the first time.

"It's just life. Nothing to be ashamed of." My dad said nonchalantly.

I just sighed in exasperation and continued eating dinner, which was mostly quiet after that.

I cleaned off my plate and put it in the dishwasher along with my cup and silverware. I walked back up to my room and and put on my music, before I realized I could call Jay.

"Hello?" Jay answered after a few rings, sounding tired

"Hey, it's Ben, I just thought we could talk." I replied happily.

"Yeah, sure. I'm really excited for tomorrow." He said, his voice instantly perking up.

"Me too. Though, my dad has the impression we're gonna screw, so he offered to lend me some condoms." I groaned.

"Sucks to be you." Jay laughed quietly.

"Tell me about it." I sighed, sitting up on my bed.

"Do you think we could maybe, cut classes tomorrow? We could leave during lunch, I don't think anyone would notice." He suggested nervously.

"Oh, I didn't know you were one of those kids." I said jokingly.

"It was just an idea, I don't usually-" He started, obviously panicked.

"It's was just joking, and we could if you want to." I replied, and he sighed in relief.

"Okay, we should-" He was cut off by a gruff voice in the background.

"Uh, I-I have to go, bye."

"Wait-" But before I could finish, Jay hung up. Jeez.

I sighed and got up, pacing around. I was so booooooored. I kinda wished I had a sibling, so I could have someone to talk to. Though siblings are supposed to hate each other, but at least then I could have someone to be mad at for fun.

I eventually decided to go watch TV. My dad already left for work, he had a pretty jacked up schedule.

After flipping through channels which mostly consisted of cheesy soap operas, I decided on some home renovation show. It was kinda entertaining to watch people knock down walls.

After a while I went to bed. It was little earlier than usual, but I was bored, and going to sleep earlier meant tomorrow would come by faster. I was so happy.

I woke up with a smile on my face, feeling completely rested, which was a very rare occurrence. Not to mention I woke up a little earlier than usual.

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