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♬=play music (randomised music so doesn't always suit scenes)


You need to come to New York City to stay with your Aunt Vanessa. She'll take care of you while we look for your mother.

Please stay safe.

-Bruce Banner, scientist and professor in science

Harriet frowns at the letter, looking to the bottom and scowling when she sees Bruce Banner's name.

Bloody Banner. Always worrying and trying to have things his way.

What an unusual letter. Why would I go to New York for no reason except for an obscure warning? And how the fuck did this wacko get into my house?

She looks around the house for a moment, as if expecting someone to jump out at any moment.

When she knows there's nobody around, she drinks the water next to her bed and grimaces. Sweeter than usual. Maybe it's gone off.

She tries to sleep, but her body won't let her eyes close.

She feels like a fish out of water; dry and lonely on the grainy and uncertain sands of life.

Harriet Percival Ames Brown is alone. For now.


Harriet was exhausted again.

After rolling out of bed and groggily brushing her teeth, Harriet contemplates whether she should go to NYC or not. It seemed harmless, at least, she hopes so.

Bruce said she was in danger. From what, exactly?

He was vague with details.

She wanders around the house for a bit, like a drunken sailor on a slippery starboard. Harriet can't recall what exactly happened yesterday.

Whenever she tried to, it made her head go fuzzy; the wrong channel on an old television.

The house is a mess, dirty rags and piles of dishes stacked up in the sink. It's quite a sight.

Things haven't been all well since her mother went missing.

Things haven't been well at all.

Harriet grabs her phone off the little wooden nightstand, the smooth surface buzzing with texts from friends that she didn't usually talk to.

She sighs again, pinching the bridge of her nose (an anxious habit), and doing a double take. Why couldn't she remember yesterday? What happened? Harriet tries to focus.

She stumbles over to the bathroom, her small build barely visible in the grimy mirror.

She went on a run, and then what? It's a completely blank space. Did she get coffee? Did she drink too much? No, she wasn't drinking. All Harriet can clearly see is the letter.

She feels a wave of exhaustion sweep over her, and within seconds, shes on the ground.

a/n: hi! hows that for a second chapter? i promise updating is regular i've just been combining chapters because they look longer on my phone ☃

luv ya'll,

xo, -cie

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