14: MWDS and JNPR vs the WF

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Jaune: With his friends all taking care of the remaining spider droid, he was left to deal with the White Fang Lieutenant in front of him. "Are you sure you want to fight?" He asked holding up his shield. "You'll be outnumbered and overwhelmed soon, if you give up now, I'm sure you can-." Jaune didn't get to finish his sentence when the WF Lieutenant swung his weapon at Jaune just as he blocked it with his shield.

WF Lieutenant: "You're the one who's outmatched here rookie." He said as the saw blades grinded against Jaune's shield. "Pretty stupid of you to fight me alone." Jaune pushed the saw away as the two began to clash blade against blade. The chainsaw proved to be hard to block or counter against given all the weight it carried with it. More so, the reach of the saw made it difficult to get in close without being shredded by its blades.

Jaune: It was clear who had the advantage here, especially since Jaune was hesitant on using his semblance again. Jaune then realized if he couldn't outmaneuver him, he would need to overpower him instead. Jaune then folded his shield and sheathed his sword. The lieutenant laughed as he rushed in for a slash at Jaune's neck only to be met with a now transformed Crocea Mors greatsword. The handle had expanded to fit both of Jaune's hands while the shield portion was outfitted with razor edges that extended the sword's reach slightly. Jaune once again pushed the WF Lieutenant off of him as he then activated his aura into his blade extending its length even further. "Who's the rookie now?" He asked resting the big sword on his shoulder.

On the other side of the construction site:

Ren: Wendy was by his side as they ran about keeping the spider's focus on them. Ren opened fire onto the spider when it wasn't after him directly while Wendy kept throwing her chakrams using various different dust effects to keep the robot off balance. Above him were his friends positioning themselves on top of concrete pillars. "NOW!" He said as he and Wendy ran past the pillars. Nora was the first to jump as she landed a hit against one of the spider's legs nailing it to the earth followed by Darrian who did the same thing practically pinning the spider droid to the ground.

Sussie: With the bot now stuck in place, she took out her long lightning infused katana as electricity flowed up her arm. The veins on her arms began to glow yellow along with her eyes as she readied a stance. Like a lightning bolt, Sussie moved faster than the eye could see as she slashed into two of the droid's cannons with a loud thunderclap. "Vanquish." She said as the two cannons exploded off the spider's joint. This didn't deactivate the spider however as it turned towards Sussie and gathered its remaining cannons into one before it started to gather up energy.

Nora: "Move!" She yelled as she unloaded her grenades into the spider's back. Sussie then dodged behind a construction vehicle as a beam of hard light tore through the dirt. "Over here tin can! Pay attention to me!" The spider then found a new target as it dug its legs out of the ground ready to pursue Nora.

Darrian: With Spider now distracted, Darrian activated his semblance as he and his axe glowed with a dim white light. He sped towards the spider with its back turned as Darrian slashed into its damaged backside. The massive spider spun around trying to hit him only to miss before firing at evading huntsman. As he ran, Darrian's glow started to get brighter and brighter as he felt himself growing stronger by the second.

Marilyn: She and Pyrrha arrived to see the situation as everyone fended off the spider droid. She then noticed Darrian glowing when he tried dodging the spider's missiles and hard light rounds. "We have to keep it off Darrian." She said activating her claws again.

Pyrrha: "Right!" She replied transforming her weapon into sword mode. The two then rushed in front of the spider droid slashing at its appendages. In response the spider tried stabbing into the girls with its legs only to miss as the two dodged backwards. Pyrrha then user her semblance to push the spider droid's cannons off their mark as they fired into the nearby construction projects.

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