~Lets Meet!~

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İm sorry guys for late update cuz the exams in our country are very different now.
Btw ıdk where i find this pic but its just make me save it.

Its another school day. Im going to school then i saw the ASL trio so they joined me. Luffy is talking, laughing while i start a conversation with Ace and Sabo. Saying that we should meet but thinking of where. "You should come to our house." Said Ace. "Yeah sounds good." I said. "So maybe 7.00 pm ok?" Sabo asked. "Yeah sure." I said.We talked like that until we reached school. After we arrived our friend group came near us. Koala, Vivi and Boa started talking about the periods asking me my first period. I said it's music with Mr. Brook. After the bell ring i quickly get in the classroom sitting next to my sitting partner Kid. Taking out my mini piano from my locker placing it on desk. Kid looked at me, smirking "Is the musician of the class  gonna play something?" He said. "Nope, just placing" i anwsered. He nodded and the morning periods want like this. Where morning periods finished, we went to  the cafeteria. While we sat there with all group girls started to aşk me if i have a crush. "No and if i have, i will never tell you cuz you'll tease me." I said with red checks. Then a loud thud sound heard, we turned and saw Ace falled asleep in his food again. I giggled "This idiots narcolepsy problems" I said while rolling my eyes. Sabo tried to wake him up "Ace!!" "What?" Ace said waking up and looking around with a very cute innocent face. "You fell asleep again" Sabo said. "Hmm" Ace hummed. Sabo signed, after lunch we get to art period with girls. The theme of sketch is  flowers. I know it sounds childish but sketching a flower good would be nice. Taking our pens and opening our sketchbooks we started sketching the flowers......I sketch mine and started waiting. Like 3 minutes later the bell ring and I take a deep breath. My art partner was Koby so he looked at me when i taked a deep breath. "A-Are you okay Y/N?" He asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. He nodded. My next periods went fast, after school i walked home with my housemate Boa. We talked talked while going home. After we arrived, I changed my clothes to a very big orange hoodie and short white shorts but hoodie is very big that shorts are invisible under it. I opened my hair and brushed it softly. After that I heared my phone ring. I taked it  and anwsered. It was Ace "Are you coming?" He asked. "Yeah i'll be there in 1 minute" I said. "Okay~!" He said. I ended the call and leave the house. Good think their house is next to mine. I ring the bell, the one opened the door was Luffy 'what a suprise' I tought. " Hi" I said. " Hi Y/n! Shishishi~!" He chuckled. I get in when he offered. He lead me to living room, I see Sabo and Ace sitting on couch ready to watch a movie. Ace turned to look at me "Y/n come on were waiting for u to start the movie~!" He said. "Coming" I said and sat between Sabo and Ace. Luffy jump on a armchair and started the movie. The movie was 'Deadpool' (There is no pervert scenes Really~) After a while I get sleepy. I fall asleep and my head dropped on Sabo's shoulder. Sabo and Ace looked at my sleeping form. Ace smirked " I'm taking her to my room." He said. "No I want her!" Sabo said. "Then you need to take her away from me~!" Ace said and taked me like a potato bag, holding me on his shoulder. "Hey!" Sabo said. Ace ran to upstairs to his room with me. Sabo running after him. Ace put you on his bed and wrapped his arms around your waist, laying with me on bed. Then Sabo come and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. Ace and Sabo started hissing 'mine' to each other. This made me open my eyes a bit, they panicked. I slowly buried my face to Ace's neck, Sabo come close to me. I falled asleep again. After 1-2 hours I wake up, seeing  Sabo and Ace both wrapped their arms around my waist from behind and front. My face heat up, I saw Ace open his eyes and smirk "oh hey sleepyhead" He said. "H-hey" I said. "Why am i-i between you two?" I asked. "Cuz you fell asleep so we taked you to my bedroom." He said. "O-ok" I said. I felt Sabo waking up behind me and planting a kiss on my neck. Ace coming closer to me. " You know, we like you~" He said. "H-huh?!"

Hi sorry again for the late update. I know it's kinda short but  I'll try to make more episodes soon. 835 words long. I got nervous about making Ace and Sabo confess very fast but here we are I made them confess.
Bye love yaaa♡♡♡

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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