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"Where the hell is that bitch!!?" Taehyung sister, Kim Eun Tak yelled as she hurriedly walked to Tae's room.
She barged into her room, where she was peacefully sleeping and got angry at the sight.

She smirked at Tae as she had an evil idea. She turned back and went to her parent's door and knocked.

"Come in"she heard a voice saying and she went inside.

She went towards her parents, pretending to be angry and said,"mom I'm very hungry. Tae is not up"

"She is not what!!?how dare she still be sleeping?"her mom yelled while her dad snored away.

Eun Tak's mom angrily stood up from the bed and marched to Tae's room with her evil daughter behind her.

When they both got there, Eun Tak's mom angrily went to tae's bathroom, took a bowl, filled it with water and came out. She went towards Tae and splashed the water on her face, wetting her bed.

Tae jerked up from her bed, gasping for air in shock.

"What the hell are you still doing here, you ugly witch?? It's 6:00am in the morning and you still haven't made breakfast"Eun Tak yelled at her.

"You slutty bitch, before I close my eyes and open it, you had better be downstairs, making breakfast or else I'll kill you this minute"her mother yelled.

Hearing this Tae sprinted out of her room in fear, ignoring the pains in her body, praying that her mother doesn't go through with what she said or it will be one hell of a beating she's going to get from her or worse.

She quickly brought out the ingredients she needed to use to make breakfast for them. She switched on the gas cylinder and started working at the speed of light.

Before 7:00am, she was done cooking and was already serving them on the dinning table.

After serving them, she went to the kitchen to eat her own breakfast. She never eats with them because she is never allowed too.

Her everyday life is one big hell after another. Since the very day they found out that she was a femboy, they were disgusted but they needed someone whom they would use as their servant/slave. Ever since Tae turned 10, she had been the one doing everything in the house. She cooks for them, cleans, do the laundry for all of them(including their undies).

They all made sure she worked until she can't move her body anymore and when she doesn't complete her work on time or rest due to exhaustion, she get the beating of her life from either one of them, especially her mother.

Tae never had the privilege of going to school or wearing luxurious clothes, only her sister Kim Eun Tak did. She was treated like trash in the house and in public but that didn't stop men both old and young to praise her beauty despite the dirt on her.

Despite Kim Eun Tak's attempt to attract wealthy men in the village with her 'hot' body in a tight dress, she was never looked at or called once by them.

What a shame🤣🤣🤣.

Tae, however, politely declines anyone that came her way. Not because she was arrogant or picky but because she was an avid believer on true love. She wanted to fall in love with someone who makes her heart beat than it normal speed, just like the book she read in secret.

She wanted to experience those butterflies and tingling feelings all girls experience when they see someone they like or love.

But sadly, her parents and her sister will be an obstacle.

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