My knight

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Amber's POV

           While cleaning the room and packing my belongings (to where they belong) and sweating like an ugly cow, I heard a knock on the door, I opened it to see my ex boyfriend , Blake

Can the day be any more better

"Can I come in"
"No, what are you here for"
"Leave while I'm being nice, you and I both know I'm a black knight in Taekwondo, I wouldn't want a fight this morning" I said

"Did you change apartment because of me?" He asked

"Leave please" I said

"I don't want to " He said pushing me inside

"I'll call the police " I said

He came closer to me "Babe, I'm also a black belt " he said showing off his ugly teeth

Who else use to wonder why they dated their ex?

"The f*ck do you want??!!!" I asked angrily

Then he kissed my cheeks, I pushed him wanting to slap him but he held my hand and turned it really hard

That'll surely leave a mark

I wanted to retaliate but someone came to pull him from me and gave him a hot punch on the cheeks


This must be my knight in shining armor

I used to think my prince charming is riding on a turtle and definitely lost

But now I think I'm wrong

Here he is.........I reasoned showing off my 32 teeth


After the fight, Blake was really beaten up by my knight and he left promising he will never disturb or stalk me again (What I asked him to do)

I turned to my knight and said " Thanks I'm amber nice to meet you" Offering an handshake

He accepted the handshake sending tingles through my body, smirking and showing his lovely dimple

I began to notice his features, He's tall and well built , Electric blue eyes which made my blood surge of electricity whenever I saw it....

His lovely  smirk, his dimple which I felt like poking my finger into, his well-defined packs which was outlined through his shirt, he looked like he had just come from the gym

His gym cloth

He looked like a Greek god

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He looked like a Greek god

My knight;

I'm not letting this one go

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I'm not letting this one go

"Hello amber" he said waving his hand in front of my face

I immediately fell out of my traunce and said

"Oh....urm..hi" I stammered

"You're drooling sweet cheeks"  He said smirking

I instantly remembered

This is the psychotic psycho who is so arrogant and frustrating.........The rooftop guy!!!!!!

Oh never!!!

"What!!!" I shouted subconsciously

"Take it easy Amber sweet cheeks, I thought you never wanted to say your  name....... well it's a draw now, I've repaid your unnecessary kindness" He said then lay on my bed

My own freaking beddd

This f*cking motherf*cker

"Hmm soft bed" he moaned

"Do you actually understand the meaning of trespassing" I asked

"No, sweet cheeks, tell me" his said, his Adam's apple moving up and down as he talked

"Don't call me that " I said

"You're actually cute baby girl and you're funny how you told me your name quite immediately without even asking.......Am I that hot ???? "

He asked sitting on my bed and biting his lower lip

I picked up my pillow and hit it on his head

He started laughing

His laugh is so appealing and intriguing

Why does he looks so different from yesterday

I really need to see a doctor on my eyesight

Well maybe because it was dark

"I love teasing you baby girl" he said then he stood up and whispered in my ears ........

"We'll see later Amber" Then he left

My legs started shaking

Amber why???

Why must you fall for this prick

Whatsssup guys..........

Whooooooo....... we're just getting to the interesting part

I feel so excited........

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Team Amber or Team Knight 😁😁

Question of the day: What's your best colour

Me::::Red ♥️♥️

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