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It was silent the only thing you could
hear was the heavy breathing of ur brother

"Ma?.." B/N spoke his voice cracking slightly

Their mother hung herself

Thoughts filled their heads
'Why would their mother do such a thing?'

'Were they too hard to take care of?'

'Did they do something wrong for their mother to do this?'

"MA!" LB/N shouted as he ran up to her, tears streaming down his face
as the two older siblings watched

LB/N hugged his mother's foot
trying to put her down but was too short to reach her neck

"Nii-san,nee-san! help her! Get her down please!"

"Stop staring and help her!"

Your brother pleaded as he tried and tried to help his now dead mother

After a few seconds of pleading B/N finally made his move and Helped his
Little brother help his mom

He grabbed the near by scissors and cut the rope, making the mother's body fall to the ground with a loud thud

"Mama!" LB/N hugged his mother tightly and gently trying to wake her up

"Please don't leave us mama. We're a work in progress but we're trying!"

"We wont ever fight ever again please wake up!"

You and B/N watched quietly as your brother begged and pleaded for his mother

"LB/N stop." B/N spoke

LB/N looked up towards his brother and tilted his head, brows furrowed

"What do u mean stop! Im trying to help ma!"

Your older brother had enough and looked at LB/N in anger and sorrow

"SHE'S DEAD!"B/N shouted enraged
tears streaming down his face


"She's gone!
cant you see she's not breathing!"
B/N said while LB/N started to sob
Shaking his head furiously

"NO! NO! mama is not dead!, you dont mean that, she's not dead right Y/N " LB/N said as he Hugged his mother close and looked at you

you stared at your brother as tears start to form your eyes.


you gently looked away not knowing what to say

Your brother sobbed while hugging his mother as B/N looked at him in guilt,sadness and anger

B/N didn't know what to feel after seeing his mother dead and shouting at his brother

B/N wasn't used to crying
he hated crying it makes him feel weak, small and fragile

he hated that

he hated feeling that way


even after what his mother told him

'Boys are allowed to cry, thats what makes you human, don't bottle up your emotions it'll only bring u down'

He wanted to feel tough, he wanted to be the one to protect his family


LB/N cried and cried as he held his mother close

He didn't want to accept the fact that their mother really is Dead

Did she not want them anymore?

He didn't understand
He was still a kid after all

He wanted nothing more than to feel his mother's warmth again

Her Cookings

Her forehead kisses

Her goodmornings and goodnights

He loves his mother dearly
it was truly Heartbreaking to get back home from a tiring day only

To find out that your mother killed themselves


Y/N was heart broken, her breathing stopped as soon as she saw her mother

She said she'd take care of them forever even when their old

she promised she'd stay

Same as B/N she hated crying, it made her feel pathetic

She didn't know what else to do but stare and cry


*Leaves for another few Months*

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