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There are hearts which do not know how to hate no matter how much they have been wronged........

"Kyomi-ah come here !"
*Says the little guy while running behind her bestie*

"Catch me if you can taetae !"
*A little girl with dark brown hair says while catching her breathe*

"Finally caught you !"
*He said while holding her wrist softly*

"Yah ! You bear! leave me right now or else-"
*She said while threatening him but got cut off*

"Or else what you're gonna do my little marshmallow"
*He said teasingly*

"How many times do I have to tell you to not call me by that cringey name!"
*She said being annoyed*

"And you think I'll listen to you?"
*He asked while raising his one brow*

"Ugh! Whatever...."
*She rolled her eyes*

Before she could speak further , her uncle called her

"KYOMI!, Come here right now!"
*Her uncle shouted while looking furiously at both of them*

"Oh no , taetae looks like uncle saw us both, he already hates you now he will again complain this to appa!" *Says the girl being annoyed by her uncle*

"Don't worry marshmallow, nothing will go , your uncle is calling you"
*By saying that he gave his most beautiful boxy smile to her*

you go , your uncle is calling you" *By saying that he gave his most beautiful boxy smile to her*

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(An : Why is he soooooo cuteeeeeeeee~)

After she is gone with her uncle......

Tae : "Don't know why her uncle hate me that much it's not like I steal his wife or something.........

"One day he literally threatened me to stay away from her"

"Well it's not my concern as long as long kyomi don't hate me hahaha I'm so stupid to even think like that"

"My kyomi will never hate me........."


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Uncle: "Didn't I told you to stay away from that poor boy ?"

"Kyomi you are from a very well privileged family and he was farmer's son and now he even didn't have his family do you wanna know why ?

"Because he is a curse to his family and to the one he is closest to...."
*He got cut off by her shout*

*Saying this she hurriedly goes towards her bedroom and locked the door*

*Her uncle was now fuming in anger....*

"You will regret it badly kyomi"
*He said while gritting his teeth*

In kyomi's father's (aka Mr. Park) room......

*Knock knock*

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*Knock knock*

"Come in"
*Says the old man wearing his hat*

"Your daughter still chilling around with that cheap brat"
*Her uncle complained about her while remembering her bitchy attitude*

"Do you mean taehyung?"
*Mr. Park asked still looking outside the window*

"Who else could I refer to?"
*He rolled his eyes internally*

"Chill Jonathan , they are just kids playing around , you are worrying too much!"
*Mr. Park said calmly*

"I am worrying too much? You know that the whole town was talking about him being the bad luck !
And still you are allowing him to play with our princess!"
*Jonathan almost screamed at his brother*

"See jonathan , they are best friends since they are 5 yrs old and their friendship is unbreakable so I don't think that it is necessary to keep them apart"
*Mr. Park sighed before continuing*

"And about being bad luck it's not that child's fault , it's just some sort of disease that caused the death of his father and we also can't blame him for his mother's death.....that poor boy suffered too much since young age"

"After kyomi's mother's death, she was so lonely and depressed but with taehyung by her side she overcome her trauma and again started smiling like before....I get my cheerful daughter back so , I don't think it will also cause you any problem Mr. Jonathan"
*Jonathan stayed silent and the old man leaves the room......*

Jonathan: "Ugh ! I hate when someone goes against me!"
"I thought that he will listen to me and kick that taehyung out off the house but no!"

"I want to separate these two at any cost because that taehyung knows my deepest secret and if he spills it infront of kyomi or her father then I am surely dead......"


(Tae is 12yrs and kyomi is 11yrs)

"What secret is he talking about ?"

"Does it break the unbreakable bond of taehyung and kyomi ?"

"Or does it related to her mother's death?"

"Or does taehyung really stole his wife or something?"

SuSpEnSe EvEryWhEre..........


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