026. 'i wanna stay in this dream, don't save me'

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"The me, reflected in the mirror

Is going crazy endlessly"

           APPARENTLY, SHE HAD UNDERESTIMATED AND forgotten just how... nice it was to be around someone in the dead of the night.

Well, she hadn't exactly forgotten how it felt, but really, she just never expected herself to enjoy the reign of the moon with someone as unexpected as Percy Jackson. And she should have probably been a bit careful about it...

Turns out, while she had been knocked out cold by the warm and comforting hearth with Percy after their long night of holding a two-person concert with Barbie songs that, frankly, she had done quite the justice with if she had to say so herself, as well as Percy's final give into singing horrendously the songs that, apparently, he actually knew by heart, an Aethiopian drakon had been spotted at the borders of camp around three in the morning.

That's crazy, right? Yeah, Dodie agreed. But you know what was even crazier? It was the fact that while that had happened, while all that commotion sounded throughout camp, both Percy and Dodie had completely slept through it all despite them sleeping outside. It was like they were completely protected by Hestia's magic or something... maybe?

Eh, no one knows.

Either way, that incident had caused a major wave of excitement during breakfast that morning, which was also the same way Dodie had learnt all about it. You know, the idea of learning that a drakon had been lurking around by the magical boundaries, prowling the hills to look for any weak spots in their defences and not anxious to back down was nothing but frightening, especially when Dodie realised that she and Percy could've easily been killed in their sleep if the drakon had found a weak spot. And, from Lee's words, it took him and the majority of their siblings' lodging arrows into the chinks of the drakon's armour until it got the message to withdraw.

And it all happened when she was asleep.

"It's still out there," Lee warned during the announcements. "Twenty arrows in its hide, and we just made it mad. The thing was thirty feet long and bright green. It's eyes —" he shuddered.

"The most important thing is that all of you are safe," breathed Dodie; she still couldn't believe she had slept through it all. Sure, she knew Lee and the others were good at this anyway in comparison to her, but still...

What if one of them had been killed?

She couldn't bear the thought.

"We probably would've been safer if we knew where you were," chimed Gracie as she played around with her scrambled eggs.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now