Him and I

82 28 45


It's toxic, Andrej. You are toxic. And it's not good for me. For us.

This game is destroying us. It's sick. You are sick.

You shattered me in pieces.

You broke me, and every fucking time you did it, I fell more in love with you.

I'm scared. I'm scared of falling in love with you. I'm scared that no matter what, I'll always love you.

I'm scared that my body will do anything for you, no matter how sick it is.

Do I deserve this? No.

So I'm ending this, no matter how painful it's going to be.

I will break your masks, Andrej, no matter how well you're hiding them. I will shatter it in pieces, just like you shattered me.


„Her ass is really bigger than her brain." „Her ass is too fat." „She's dumb." "Her breasts are too large." "I can see her fat rolls."

Negative comments about my body ran through my head as I sat in Andrej's limousine. What if what the guy at the game stated was true?

Am I overweight?

Tears streamed down my cheeks as I imagined Andrej being disgusted by my body.

What if he already is?


"Am I fat?"

Shit. Shit, shit, shit, shit.

Andrej quickly came to a halt and jumped out of the car.

We stopped in front of a massive white villa with an enormous swimming pool and a garden larger than the entire village.

He slammed the car door open and grabbed my hand.


„Shut up"

We entered the villa hand in hand and walked up the long staircase.

I didn't have time to look around the living room, but it appeared to be the most luxurious home I'd ever seen.

The entire house smelled like roses and elite perfumes.

The walls were covered in paintings. Paintings that appear to have come directly from a museum. All of the walls and furniture were beige and white.

Overall, the mansion appeared to be extremely flawless and to have cost billions of dollars.


As we entered his large room, he gently placed me in front of a gigantic mirror that took up at least 10% of the space.

"Where?" he questioned.


"Where is the fucking fat on your body, Daphne?" His voice was filled with anger as he spoke.

"I-..I don't know. I'm sorry." I was half-crying as I said this. My entire body began to quake. My eyes were filled with fear.

"Why are you shaking?"


I failed to express myself. I mean, how could I? If I couldn't speak, how could I express myself?

Thousands of needles were wrapped around my neck, waiting for me to open my mouth.

"Answer me, Daphne." He shouted loudly. If I didn't know who he was, I'd think he was about to attack me.

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