Harry Imagine for Rena -

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You and Harry have known each other for about a year now. You guys met at a night club after one of his shows, exchanged numbers, and have talked every day since. He's never missed a day of saying good morning or goodnight to you which you loved. You couldn't wait to see him next... The only problem was that you didn't think it would ever happen.

One morning, you woke up with a smile and just had a feeling it would be a good day.. until you looked at your phone. Harry hadn't texted you. You waited about a half hour and figured he just wasn't awake yet... A couple hours flew by and you got worried.. You thought about texting him but you thought since he hadn't texted you, you would be annoying him. By then it was about noon and you finally gave up. You put your phone aside and decided to make some lunch and that just maybe, he would text you. Nope. Another couple hours had gone by and you had to run to the grocery store. By now you were so pissed off that you decided to leave your phone at home. What would be the point of taking it anyway?

You got home and went over to your phone. You took a deep breath and looked. You had 5 missed calls and two text messages. The texts said the same thing. "Rena!! I need to talk to you NOW!" You immediately called Harry and were starting to panic. At the same time there was a little sign of relief. Harry answer and started shouting into the phone "I HAVE GREAT NEWS!!!" You were confused and was like "Harry, CALM DOWN! What is it?" He was like We get to see each other tonight! Get ready, see you soon." Then he hung up the phone. A giant smile crossed your face. You had no idea what was happening but you had a feeling it would be good. You went upstairs and started to make yourself look nice since Harry was coming. Finally, at 6, the doorbell rang.

You ran downstairs and swung the door open. It was harry with a box of chocolate and a single white rose. He smiled, through the stuff on the ground not caring if it would get ruined and gave you the BIGGEST hug ever! He went inside still hugging you, slammed the door behind you, and squeezed you tighter saying "I've missed you so much, Rena!" You say the same. He looked into your eyes and was like "Wow, your more beautiful then I remember" You smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. You pulled away closely, now forehead to forehead, and hes like "lets go have some fun shall we?" You nod in agreement and took his hand into your bedroom. Your room was a mess but neither him or you cared one bit. He layed you down gently on the bed and started kissing your neck. Between kisses he was like "I cannot tell you how awful its been being away from you". you put your finger to his lips, flipped him over, and started kissing each other hard, and by the second even harder. You took his shirt off, he did the same to you. By then you could feel him getting more and more turned on my the grip he had around your waist. He said "Lets take this a little further" He winked and by that time you guys had the time of your life.

Harry Imagine for Rena -Where stories live. Discover now