Chapter 6

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Today is another day and yall we have like the night shift today so yeah anyways I am peacefully sleeping and yall know Mr. Kevin comes in my room and he takes my covers off me and I am sleeping on my belly yall.

So he pulls my panties down and he starts to play with my private area making me feel uncomfortable and everything then he takes his pants off.

yesterday after he pulled that stunt I went and bathed and everything I scrubbed my body and still felt nasty and dirty now he is back in my room ugh why won't he fucking stop.

" Why do you keep doing this Mr. Kevin I thought you were someone who I could trust like you have been doing this from I was eight why " I said.

" Cause I need to have fun and I need to release see when you get older I want you to have my babies and be my wife " said Mr. Kevin he fucking stupid if I am doing that cause I will be gone once we graduate we didn't even tell him anything at all we supposed to graduate already but then we did not know.

So he finished doing what he did to me and so I went in the bathroom and yall I cried myself off in the bathroom this nigga smell his stupid ass if he thinks he is going to make me have his baby he smell his ass for real cause I will not get married to him I rather run away then to be his damn wife and that is for sure.

So what I did was I slipped on some panties my work pants and a tshirt and my socks and shoes grabbed my bag and keys and I walked out my room the same time Keishana walked out her room we both had our shirts in our hands so we left his ass sleeping oh yeah his room was shut and he was sleeping after the shit he pulled so we just did what we had to do.


Location: On the road 

" Girl he had the audacity to tell me when I get older he wants me to have his kids and get married to me like the fuck no I will not " I said as she drove cause babyyy I was fucking pissed this nigga raped me yesterday and today.

" Gurl he had the audacity to see me and you gone be his wives like nigga first of all ya ass ain't my daddy and then you then doing shit and stuff hell nah he lucky we did not report his ass cause we would have been in a group home and guess what I found out my name is actually Kiara not Keishana so I actually applied under my real name and not this bogus ass name I have cause he got me fucked up " said Keishana I mean Kiara.

" Oh fuck that means we really are twins so he did something cause the nurse told mom the other baby died that means he did something oh wow gurl that man evil cause if that was your real dad he would not be raping you sis we got to make our plans like it's the summer so we need to go to the library and check our emails " I said.

" We need to do that for real cause we may not have to take all them classes in grade twelve sense we ahead and took college classes in grade eleven " said Kiara.

" You  right we just have to go and check and besides he never signed us up for school so they don't email him we did that ourselves and made excuses on how we live with our grammy " I said.

So we went to the library that is close by our work and we went by the computers so we logged on our emails well we logged on to the one we created to get into the school we at and just as I suspected we only have three classes we need to do and we can do them online if we want to or in school.

" Oh my goodness we are graduating before everyone so we get to get our diploma before everyone else so excited " said Kiara.

" I am so happy so we gone wait to see the response for the colleges but we can just continue apply for every college when the time is cause we applied for some so we can apply to some more " I said.

" Yeah makes sense so we can also see what to do when we go to wherever state we going cause I am breaking that phone he gave  us and the car I am going to leave that at a food store gurl I am tired of his ass " said Keishana I mean Kiara.

" Gurl same so we do have our plan in motion so I know mom left stuff at the house for us I am sure a letter is there as well plus I have the keys she gave them to me before she died I have it hidden so yeah " I said.

Plus there was a lot of money left for me when I went to the will reading the lawyer said as soon as I turn eighteen I can get it so we turning eighteen soon well we seventeen so we will be eighteen in April and we graduate the first week in May so yeah.

So we did what we had to do in the library we left and we went shopping then we had to get to work and that is what we did we worked all night up until one in the morning so yeah we definitely worked hard today tomorrow we well we have the night shift then the next two days is the morning shift and that is how our schedule is.


They are planning and everything so bare with me we have maybe about ten more chapters then everything will come into plan.

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Bye yall 💕💕💕

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