Chapter 1

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Thanya's pov

I woke up super early today, Gulf and I decided to go shopping before we go to university for our classes. Soon as I woke up I decide to call Gulf because he never wakes up early no matter how important the day is, I have to make sure I wake him up. His phone rings unanswered then when I'm calling for the fifth time he finally picks up.


Thanya: " well incase you forgot we have plans this morning and you yourself came up with the idea of us going to the mall in the morning because you don't have time later on"

Gulf: " so sorry Thanya, I totally forgot. How many minutes do I have to get ready"

Thanya : "only 10, now get out of that bed  Gulf, I'm not joking"

Gulf: " Yes I'm going to get ready"

After the call I quickly got ready taking my time because I know Gulf will never be ready in 10 minutes,hell probably take a while hour ,that's why I woke him up so early.

After 45 minutes I was done and then decided to leave the house , just as I was passing the dinning area, I saw my so called brother sitting there. I wonder why he doesn't just move out, like he has he's own business and it's doing well. I just walked past him and he said

Mew :" morning sister"
Thanya:"     " I just stared at him and said nothing then just left the house

Gulf's house was like 10-15 minutes away depending on which route you used.

I arrived outside his house and his brother Golf was just leaving to work so he let me in.

Golf: " Morning Thanya, Gulf's almost done. You can sit here it go check on him in his room. I have to leave now , see you when I see you"

He didn't even wait for my response,he just left. Maybe he has an important meeting or something.
Just as I was stuck in my thoughts Gulf appeared from upstairs and we left.

In the car driving to the mall

Gulf: " I think we should just skip class altogether today and go chill at your house watching some movies after this ,what do you think

Thanya:" I think we have a test we can't afford to miss today Gulf and we're going to university like it or not. We both can't afford to be absent anymore this term. Our lecturers are already upset because of our trip to the Maldives last month, we can't upset them anymore or they'll kick us out. You know our parents already agreed if we pull something like that again, we are getting expelled from school."

Gulf:" I totally forgot about that, but our Maldives trip was the best. We had so much fun there, those lecturers were just angry because they can't afford to go there I'm telling you Thanya. Wait, you said we have a test today, what's it about. I didn't study

Thanya:" Gulf you and I both know you can pass any test with your eyes closed. You top the whole  3rd year without even dropping a sweat. I wonder how you do it"

Gulf: " I'm just naturally intelligent" he said smiling" just joking I just have a great studying schedule that works for me"

Thanya:" remember last year you had to retake the test because the professors and all the students were convinced that you cheated somehow."

Gulf : " don't remind me, that was the worst day ever. Like taking test after test just to prove a point "

We arrived at the mall, did a bit of shopping and had to go straight to university after that since we no longer had time to go home and drop all out thousand shopping bags.

Once we arrived at University, a lot of people where staring at us and we wondered what was going on . Then one our our close friends Gun came to us smiling.

Gulf : " Gun, can you tell me why the whole university is staring at the two of us. What have we done this time

Gun:" Actually someone started a fan account shipping the both of you as a couple"

Thanya: " that's old news , we already know that"

Gun : " Today you guys went shopping and had breakfast together right"

Thanya:" how did you know that??"
Gun:" well it seems like you guys where followed by your many fans and they took pictures of you doing some cute things and everyone think you guys are a real couple"

All of us burst laughing, so it's like this . Every couple of months someone or the other starts dating rumors about us and we are used to it by now. It'd probably blow over like it always does.

Thanya: " let's go to class you two, you know any mistake we make we all expelled right

Gun:" you are taking that threat seriously aren't you."
Gulf :" unfortunately she is Gun"

We had gone to the Maldives with Gun too

Gun: " no one will have the guts to have us expelled. They need all our parents donations to keep this school running"

Thanya:" both you and Gulf have a weird way of thinking. You act so spoiled you know that. I shouldn't have let you rope me around going to the Maldives with you all. My spotless record was ruined because of you"

"We are sorry Thanya" said Gulf and Gun simultaneously

Thanya:" okay ,okay, let's get to class spoiled brats . We have a test to ace"

The three quickly went to class.

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