1- Hunted

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"Only a few find the way, some don't recognize it when they do - some... don't ever want to."
Permafrost AU

Crunches echoed in the air. Indents visible in the frost and snow. They led to a group of 5, and they were:
Two guards in battered uniform with some bits of armour. One had cornflower hair peeking out from under his hat -a light grey beanie. The cornflower haired one wore armour on his shoulders, left arm, and some on his legs. A dark -midnight- blue jumper was seen underneath the armour, and thick brown trousers were worn with silver-blue boots.
The other guard had burning pink-magenta hair and darker coloured skin of the same colour. The frosted materials and frozen ground thawed and melted respectively around him. This guard had similar armour to the blue steve but it covered opposite areas and they has some that was attached to the waist - like a corset with a violet rope linking the pieces- of armourand through violet rope was attacked in segments to form a skirt with ab open front and a gap at the back. Underneath was a grey turtleneck and darker form fitting trousers.

A Steve that blended in with the surroundings so much they were wearing an old, worn orange jumper underneath and black trousers. The same pale armour that partially adorned the two guards was worn by the snow shaded steve. There were changes from the original design. However, the breastplate was shorter at the top and devolved into chainmail at the bottom. The legs were also covered with the armour but more sparsely, allowing for more movement. This steve wore a scarf over top of everything. The scarf was a faded rainbow -made by two friends, one dead and the other the eye of the storm.

The fourth figure was clad in bright and dark greens. The vines and plants that would be braided into his hair were covered under a thick veil alongside his green hair. This steve looked to be prepared as he wore a thick jumper underneath the dark cloak he wore. This steve was in the middle but to the left of the one in the centre -Light Steve. A sage quiver was visible from under the cloak.

The fifth steve wore primarily brown and was clad in an outfit similar to the green one. However, a few clocks adorned this steves clothes, and a mask protected their face.

"He's up ahead."

A voice broke their groups silence. Some in the group urged to look, whereas the two who had spotted their target stood reading their weapons asilvery spear and a wood and metal recurve bow, respectively. The others once gained sight of their target followed suit. A sword and another spear as well as an energy charged book.

Their prey had noticed and had made distance from sprinting away, further into the centre of the storm. However, the group refused to let their target go this time.

They followed and were soon surrounded by old buildings. Ice and Frost preserving them under a magical glow.

"Where are we?"

This place was the centre -the eye!- of the storm. This village must be where he was hiding...
The group continued their search, but they were bound to the pathway as the magic ice refused to thaw and let them into the houses.

"La la la...

La la la~"

Singing permeated the air. Growing slightly louder with each step forward. The calmness was removed as the singing continued. Light made a motion to follow the singing, and so they did. Thankfully, the path led them to the voices owner... the light ones lost friend.

"La la la..."

His brown hair was darker, contrasting the silver-white that was weaved into and that danced across his hair. Wait- even the white that was in his hair wasn't white...

"La la la~"

Those eyes... aren't his...

Why aren't they-? 'What happened to you."

That isn't Sabre's smile...

"Light.. what happened to him?"

"Void corrupted h- Sabre."

Sabre stood, but it wasn't him.

"Your hunt is finally over."

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