*Chapter 5*

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31 of January they would go to Denmark by flight. But it was such a bad weather that the flight got cancalled... And this time they went there quite late, the same day as the concert.

"Halleluja!!" Agnetha screamed and started to jump up and down when they came to the airport. "What?! This is really bad, Aggie. We're gonna to be late!" Björn exclaimed. "Yeah. But we don't have to fly!!!"
Frida laughed.

They didn't have any bus, because they thought they would fly... So, they had to get there by car. Soon a bunch of cars came. Stikkan and co had to get there also! It was good that everything already were finnished at the Brøndby Hall. But everyone were a bit nervous, because it was a sports-hall and well-known for its bad acuostic...

The car trip would take more than three hours, and they would be very late! "Oh my god..." Björn said. "This is so typical..." Benny said. "But we didn't have to fly!" Agnetha exclaimed. "No, but we will be late. And we will have to go up on the stage after sitting completely still for three hours. And I have to pee!!" Everybody laughed, then Björn did too. It actually sounded funny.

Frida was about to fall asleep. Benny sat in the front seat. And the only one next to her was Agnetha. Soon she leaned her head against her shoulder, and Agnetha took Frida's hand and started to massage it. Agnetha's skin against hers felt like fire. It burned. But in a nice and comfortable way. Frida really wanted to sleep, but then she maybe wouldn't feel Agnetha's hand. And she really wanted that. And it was better if she could keep fresh and awake for the show.

Agnetha wasn't tired at all, and she looked at Frida who had her head on her shoulder. She smiled, and felt something hot in her heart. It was something with Frida that made Agnetha feel like jelly in the whole body. Agnetha touched Frida's soft hair with her lips, and breathed in the wonderful scent of her shampoo. Björn didn't see anything. He just looked out of the window, and was a bit angry over the delay. Frida suddenly sat up properly and met Agnetha's eyes with a smile. They still held hands.

Finally after more than three hours, they were in Copenhagen. They met the functionaries, the technicians and the guards. "Okay, you have to hurry now!" Görel said stressed. "We're half an hour late, and the audience is very angry..."
"I understand that" Frida said as she took of her clothes to put on her white and golden garb. Agnetha couldn't resist to ogle at Frida's well build body. She was really hot... Agnetha pushed away the thought immediately and put on her white tight suit with golden details.

Agnetha, Benny, Björn and Frida hugged each other before they went out on the stage. The audience screamed loud, and applauded. "Hello, everyone!" Benny screamed, and got a lot of screams back.
"Sorry for the delay" Björn said.
"The flight was cancelled because of the bad weather. But now we're here!!" Everyone applauded and screamed loud, and the anger was not there anymore. Björn nodded to the band who sat behind them, and the intro to Tiger began.

The show went very well, even because of the bad acoustic.

Like half through the concert it was time for the extra unreleased song
I Am An A. "Isn't this amazing? At least we think it's amazing!" Frida said, and the audience got crazy.
"I know that a lot of you know very much about Benny, Björn, Agnetha and me already. But, do you know everything? Did you know that Björn doesn't like to shave...?" Frida whispered the last. Björn started to play...

"I'm Frida, hello! I'm the star of the show"
"That's what she thinks anyway..."
"And I like to perform, Benny says I am warm."
" Well, hot is the least you can say..."
"Independent and free. And ambitious, that's me. Fighting for fame and success. And I'm tough too, you see.
"No she's not, just ask me..."
"Singing and dancing Is what like best."

"I am an A.
"I'm a B."
"He is ok."
"So is she."
"Singing together in harmony."
"He is a B. She's a bird."
"Yes you heard."
"We are a simple four letter word:

"I'm Björn, I'm the guy, who is careful and shy. Don't like to spend every dime. But I love my guitar, and to drive in my car.
"Scares me to death every time!!"
"And I don't like to shave."
"You should live in a cave!"
"No, I feel more at home on the stage. When I sing and I play. With my group it's ok."
"You're group?! You're kidding? Or is it your age?"

"I am an A..."

"Two and two together make four. Every song opens a door."
" I am an A."
" I am a B."
" I am a B."
" I am an A."

" I'm Agnetha, hello! I'm the young one you know."
"And she never lets me forget..."
"I am gentle and mild, underneath it I'm wild."
"Craziest woman I've met..."
"I'm romantic they say, but it's not quite that way. I'm down to earth, yes indeed... And I like early nights, so I turn off the lights."
"And I never get any chances to read.."

"I am an A..."

"I'm Benny at last, and I'm living quite fast. I like to travel and see. I can play day and night, if the feeling's all right." "And it's sometimes a problem for me..."
"I can play 'In The Mood' I like wine, I like food."
"Now that's something he just can't deny..."
"But I'm the talented one, with a place in the sun."
"When he's not bragging, he's quite a nice guy."

"I am an A."
"I'm a B."
"He is okay."
"So is she."
"Singing together in harmony.
"He is a B."
"She's a bird."
"Yes you heard. We are a simple four letter word: A-B-B-A..."

The audience loved it, they laughed and thought it was so funny. The concert continued...

"Nice work!" Björn exclaimed when they got backstage. Everybody smiled, and were very happy with the show. They did some interviews, before they went to the loge. Frida sat down exhausted on the sofa. "I'm really tired..."
"Me too" Agnetha said. "Me too" Björn and Benny said. Frida smiled.
"I Am An A is brilliant."
"Well, I like it very much because we all have written it" Benny said.
"And the lyrics is so true!" Agnetha laughed.

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