Chapter 6

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Spending time together was a dangerous game to play for the both of you. Over the past few weeks, you've grown accustomed to Ghost, grown to like his grumpy attitude. You had to be careful to keep your feelings at bay and for Ghost, it was the same, although he was way better at hiding it.

Yes, you were still an annoying little shithead to him, but in a way, you were his little shithead, and he found himself thinking about not only your body and what he wanted to do with it, but about your voice, your smile, and your stupid personality way too often.

Of course, you had to walk straight to Victoria's Secret, he should have known better before he agreed to that shopping trip.

He wondered if he should fuck you right there in the changing room, no one would dare to say anything, and he was sure that you'd let him...

"Seeing anything you like?" you asked in a teasing voice, snapping him out of his trance, earning you a look from him that would have silenced anyone, but not you. You proceeded to walk around the store, grabbing a few pieces, each one looking better than the last one.

Ghost walked behind you as you headed towards the changing rooms, waiting outside, expression hidden behind his mask as always. And God, was he thankful for that as you pulled the curtains open, standing in front of him in a matching set that almost made him drool.

He was sure that he would die in this store, they would have to carry him out on a stretcher and Price would feel terrible for sending him on this mission while giving a eulogy at his funeral.

You just grinned mischievously, the look in Ghost's eyes enough to let you know how good you looked. You closed the curtain again and proceeded to put on the next set. It was a dark shade of red, mesh mixed with lace, almost see-through, leaving very little to the imagination.

"What about this one?" You asked as you opened the curtains, your eyes wandering down his body, immediately noticing how his hands were crossed in front of his crotch, and you doubted that it was to appear professional in the highly dangerous setting of a Victoria's Secret.

"Looks good. Would look even better if someone else was wearing it," he said, his voice slightly hoarse, and you found it hilarious how desperately he was still trying to be mean.

You just laughed as you closed the curtain again, trying on another piece. It was the last one, a corset top, and you had put your skirt back on because you wanted to see how it would look as part of an outfit. It was cute; white with small flowers on it, making you look almost innocent. Since it had to be closed in the back with a few hooks, it was the perfect opportunity to see just how much you could torment Ghost today.

"I need your help in here," you said loud enough for him to hear you, your smirk noticeable in your voice.

Ghost stepped inside the small changing room, wondering where he had taken a wrong turn in his life.

"Could you close it for me, please ?" You asked, holding the top to your body with one hand, the other slowly sliding your hair to the side. Feeling his rough hands on your back made you shiver, he had never touched you until now, had never been this close to you before.

"Is it too tight?" he asked, tone slightly concerned as he proceeded to close the corset.

"It's supposed to be tight," you laughed, holding your breath as he closed the last few hooks. Ghost just mumbled something ineligible to himself. His mind was a mess right now, and he had to use every last fiber of self-control in his body to keep his composure.

"Does it look good?" you asked as you turned around, your hand grazing over the bulge in his pants in the process, unintentionally of course.

" Sorry," you purred, looking up at him through your eyelashes.

"Mhm," he growled, his jaw clenched as he tried to fight the feelings inside of him.

You were killing him; making him question if he had died and this was hell. Maybe this was his own purgatory, maybe Satan was suddenly a tiny woman with ridiculous Gucci sneakers on her feet and long hair that smelled way too good, punishing him for all his sins.

"Thank you," you said with a grin as he left the changing room, and you slipped back into your clothes. You came out with a bunch of stuff, walking over to the checkout to pay before you two went to the next store.

You tried to make a bit of small talk as you walked from store to store, but Ghost seemed to be in his own world. Looking away from you whenever your hand grazed his ever so softly, almost accidentally, almost. Ghost knew that this was anything but accidental.

Hell, with you, he'd walk through that fucking mall holding hands like teenagers, but he'd never ever let you know.

"Can you wait here for a second?" You asked as you stopped in front of a small jewelry store. "I preordered something, I just need to pick it up." The story was really tiny, and the thought of being crammed in there next to you was making the decision easy for Ghost.

So he just nodded, gesturing you to go inside. While you waited for the seller to pack up your order, you looked at Ghost. The way he stood there was delighting, looking like the human version of a tank, holding at least 6 shopping bags in his hands.

He would make a good husband, you thought to yourself with a laugh, before the beeping of the card terminal signaled that your payment went through, and you made your way back outside the store.

Somehow, you managed to talk him into going to Starbucks with you, even though you had reached the limit of his patience when you ordered a strawberry crème Frappuccino for him because you wanted to see him with a pink drink in hand. He only agreed to try it once you were back in the car, the concerning amount of shopping bags safely secured in the trunk of the Mercedes.

He was thankful that you kept your mouth shut for most of the ride home. He had already feared that the amount of sugar in the monstrosity that was your customized drink would turn you into an even more annoying gremlin than you usually were. But all that shopping and running around must have tired you out, because you just sat there, your head resting against the window, eyes falling shut from time to time.

Ghost hated to admit it, but at that moment, you looked almost cute. 

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