Living in France as a Muslim.

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Ever since I moved to France with my family. I have been dealing with racism and Islamophobia. Sure it wasn't the easiest thing to deal with but I always tried to ignore it.

When I went to High school, it just made things worse. Every time I walk by, people always have something to say about my hijab, or sometimes about where I come from. But why does it matter? I am proud of  where I come from. I am proud to be from Iraq. I am proud to a be a Muslim. I am proud to be a hijabi. I am proud of my religion and culture.

I am proud of who I am. And I feel no shame at all. So why do people still judge me? Is it because I'm a muslim? Is it because I'm Arab? Do they think all Muslims are bad people? Do they think all Muslims and Arabs are terrorists?

So many questions. Yet they never give a real answer back. They never give a good reason why we're considered bad people.
They just make up stereotypes about us and call it a day.

I moved into France with my family when I was 7. There was a lot of war going on back in my home country so we had to leave. Of course I still miss the rest of my family back in Iraq and I make sure to visit them every year.

My father had tried so hard to find a job but they all rejected him. Why? You may ask.

Its because he's a Muslim. That's why.

He could speak French fluently and he lived far longer in France than me. But they still didn't accept him. But thank God someone was actually kind enough to hire him. Making my father have a good and stable job, to provide for his family and himself.

When I was a little girl. I was scared by what others would think of me. Because I was a foreigner but my father told me.
"It doesn't matter what your religion or ethnicity is. Your actions define who you are."

For me those words mean a lot. I couldn't let people judge me because of my belief and ethnicity.

I have friends at school. Most of them are also Muslim but some of them are also Christian and Buddhist. But we all learned to get along.

My closest friend. Or as you would say Best friend, Delphine Rosalina. You may think that she's French, and yes, she's French. But also a Christian.

She was one of the few people that didn't judge me based on my belief or ethnicity. Although she's a Christian and I was a Muslim, that didn't mean we couldn't be friends.

She defended me whenever someone tried to criticise my hijab. She's been there for me ever since I met her. We've been best friends ever since elementary school. Her parents are very nice and respectful. And not the kind to tell their children to stay away from people like me.

Sometimes she would even tell me to stand up for myself. That I should not let people judge me for the wrong reasons.

She never got bullied for her beliefs like me. Nor did she ever bully someone for their beliefs.

She was a good student, and friend too.

I have other friends. But none of them compare to Delphine.


High school.

How's it like being a high schooler in France as a Muslim hijabi? It was tough. If I could get a dollar for every time someone said something about my hijab. I would be rich enough to give everyone on earth a million dollars.

It was so hard for me to go to school while having everyone staring at me and whispering to their friends and family. But I ignored them. I kept my chin up and ignored them. Because there was no way I was gonna let them bring me down.

Not only did I get mean stares from students, but from some teachers too. They always had something to say like. "Are you sure you're comfortable in wearing that? It's like a hundred degrees outside."

But I always managed to never let my guard down.

But the person that I most got judged by was Theò Armand.

Who's Theò Armand? Theò is the worst person I know in my 17 years of life. His only mission in life is to make mine a living hell. And he succeeded.

Theò Armand is the president's son. The president of France. Yes. You heard me. The president's son. And yes he goes to the same school as me. But don't be so fooled thinking that he's a good guy.

He's not.

He's really wealthy. I mean no wonder. He's well-known in France. But extremely popular in school. But I like to describe him as a spoiled rich brat.

And he bullies me. And i think you know why. Can you guess why?

Correct. Because of my belief and ethnicity. Ever since I joined high school and he spotted me wearing a hijab, he despised me. He was an Atheist and extremely Islamophobic.

Whenever he had to the chance to make fun of me, he took that chance.

He would say stuff like. "Go back to your country." Or "Is the little Aya mad? What are you gonna do? Bomb my house?" And then he laughs with his friends and walks away. My blood boils whenever he says stuff like that. I wanted to punch him. But there are multiple reason why I can't. My parents would get mad at me. He's the president's son. I would get into a lot of trouble. And people are gonna think worse of me.

So that's why.

I forgot to mention who I am. Hello, my name is Aya Al- Asadi. I am a 17 year old Muslim iraqia that lives In France and have been dealing with a lot of racists my whole life.

Can you imagine? Having to deal with racism and islamophobia?? Stay tuned cuz the next part is gonna be better. I promise<33

Your one and only, SCOOCH.💋

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