𝒲𝒽𝑜 𝒾𝓈 𝓈𝒽𝑒__? (random thing i decided to write. Not a real event)

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I was in my apartment, working on papers and typing on the computer like i usually do or even often do after my shift.

When it was around 11pm, i finally finished my work and got up to have a quick meal and then later go out to take out the trash. Since i dont eat much due to work, the bin takes about a week or two to fill up, and tonight was one of those days were i felt lazy and tired but still wanting to do it regard of my laziness.

I grab the filled up trash bag and put in a new one in the bin to make things easier. Since tonight wasnt as cold as usual, i just decided to go out still wearing my shirt. When i stepped out of the apartment building, i started walking to an allyway near the building where nearly everyone throws away their trash.

Approaching the big bin, i open the lid and the smell of what you expect enters my nose. Obviously, it was disgusting so i quickly threw away the trash bag. Just as i turn around to go back to my apartment, i see a woman. Since it was dark outside, i could barely make up what her face looked like. Seemingly long dark brown hair that i suppose reached her knees

As i squint my eyes for a more clear view, i could tell she had a thin body and a round stomach like as if she were carrying a child within her. I firgued she must've been a pregnant woman living alone and came out to also take out the trash. However, she didnt have anything in her hands..?


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"Um..Miss, do you need anything?"

I ask in a respectful tone as i try to look non threatening to her so that i don't scare the poor lady. I got a quiet response from her

"Just getting out for fresh air.. Apologies if i startled you."

"It's okay, ma'am. So, may i pass by you?"

"Sure.. I'll get out of the way."

The woman and i went back and forth for a short while before i walk pass her. As i pass by her, i hear a whisper from her

"Have a good night, 𝘑𝘦𝘯𝘯𝘢 𝘏𝘦𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘯. You're sins were small yet full of good intentions."

I freeze as she mentions my name. How did she know..? I shake the thought and just assune she must be one of my close neighbor's friend or relative. Afterall, the apartment building was small so everyone basically knew one another

"Okay.. you too, miss.."

After that night, i never saw her again. But after a few days later, the news showed a criminal in his cell, his chest supposedly ripped open as the sight was censored. The reporter said that the criminal was a bad man who cheated life and killed innocent people, his favorite victims seemingly people who i guess were his family members.

Of course, i pictured the gruesome sights that might've happened and nearly gagged at the image of it.

For some reason.. I remembered what the woman I saw said. My sins were small yet filled with good..? I never really thought much about it and never told anyone about it.

I snap back to reality as the reporter mentions that the dead man's cell had a writing on the wallwritten in blood. They said that the blood made it difficult to read, but the investigators made out something like:

"Blood filled with impurity. Meat that tasted like alcohol. It made me sick, yet I wanted it. Everyone needs to eat."


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