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✧・゚: ✧・゚: - :・゚✧:・゚

WE ARE ALL STANDING in front of the ship we're about to own. it really is an impressive one, and it's rather big. plus im sure that there's a toilet and a shower in it. and more than one bed.

"wow. that looks just like your lawyer friend", luffy says as we all look up to the big ship. does he know that merry is dead?

"merry ran the shipyard after my parents passed. he was their dearest colleague. my oldest companion", kaya explains with a sad smile on her lips.

"then his memory will live on", luffy replies, "i hereby this ship the going merry!".

kaya smiles, "it's yours now. your new home".

"thank you, kaya", luffy says to her and we all start smiling.

"WHOO!", the straw hat boy then screams and puts his arms in the air, "yeah! we did it!".

then he runs over to me, nami and zoro and gives us a big hug. i feel like im the only one who actually gives in, the others just stand there awkwardly and grin. i look to the ground with a smile on my lips.

"usopp", luffy then says and i turn to look at the man who helped us get this ship, "what are you waiting for? get your stuff".

"what stuff?", he asks confused.

"you're coming with us, right?", luffy asks and looks to us. i quickly nod my head. of course he can come with us. he helped us and wants to be a pirate.

"what? uh ... uh", he looks to kaya, "no. i ... i couldn't", he stumbles.

"just come on already", zoro now says.

"im gonna need a great sharp shooter. just like yasopp. and i saw what you did back there. sticking up for your friends. that's exactly the kind of guy i need on my crew", luffy explains and the smile on my lips gets even wider.

"but ... i couldn't leave syrup village", usopp replies and looks again at the blonde girl standing next to him, "what ... what about kaya? she needs me to take care of her".

kaya walks towards him, "usopp", she says and takes his hand in hers, "you've been a great friend, but i think it's time i start taking care of myself".

"but i said i'd never leave you. and dont you need help with the shipyard?"

"the shipyard was my parents dream. i think i might do something different. like study to become a doctor", kaya replies. we all look at them.

"so ... i guess this is a goodbye", usopp says with a sad smile.

"ill see you again someday. and when i do, i expect to hear all about the real adventures of captain usopp", she says and then something kind of unexpected happens.

kaya gently plants her lips on usopps. i put my hand on my heart and smile. they are too cute. i just knew that these two had a crush on each other. zoro, who is standing next to me, is awkwardly looking away.

"they ... they do know that im the captain, right?", luffy asks us quietly. nami puts her hand on his shoulder.

"let them have this one", she says to the straw hat boy.

LEAVING SYRUP VILLAGE behind us felt good. i mean, we have met some amazing people there, but still, the whole vibe was weird over all.

and now we have this amazing ship and a new crew member. the first thing i, of course did was check out the inside of the ship. it was much nicer than the small boat we had before. this felt like luxury. there was a toilet and even a shower, even though the shower was a bit disgusting. but that's alright.

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