Here We Go Again

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November 2nd 2023, 2 days before Marianne's cousin Isabeau and Isabeau's fiancé Garrett get married and 4 days before the last Canmore Haynes Wedding of the season, before the holiday and touring break. Marianne's company also has two weddings today as well, Abbi and Joseph and Aaryn and Joel who are Maggie and Meaghan's clients. At the Canmore Haynes old office, the move is happening right as Marianne's USA leg of tour ends.

"Hi, Loxley. Coming to help at Abbi and Joseph's wedding as I've gotta dash at 3pm for Marie's check up," Marianne said.

"Yes, you'll be leaving at 3 for the appointment," Loxley questioned.

"Yep, after Marie's appointment, I'll be coming back to the office to make sure everything's ready for moving day as I'm going out of town starting the middle of November for tour rehearsal and the holiday season," Marianne replied.

"Great, I'll be ready to leave in 15 minutes as Abbi and Joseph don't want us until 10:30, I'll text Meaghan saying I'm filling in for you from 3," Loxley responded.

Garrett, Marianne's RCA representative, emails her with Canadian tour dates.

"Dear Marianne,

I hope this email finds you well. I am thrilled to share with you the finalized Canadian tour dates for your debut album, which promises to be an exciting journey for you and your fans. We have worked diligently to organize a series of eight shows that will showcase your talent and connect you with your Canadian audience.

Here are the tour dates:

April 8, 2024 - Toronto, ON

April 9, 2024 - Ottawa, ON

April 10, 2024 - Montreal, QC

April 11, 2024 - Quebec City, QC

April 13, 2024 - Winnipeg, MB

April 14, 2024 - Calgary, AB

April 16, 2024 - Edmonton, AB

April 18, 2024 - Vancouver, BC

We believe these locations and dates will provide you with a diverse and engaged audience as you introduce your music to Canadian fans. I'm sure you're excited to take your music on the road, and these cities will be the perfect places to start your journey.

We will be working closely with local promoters and venues to ensure everything runs smoothly. If you have any specific requests or requirements for these shows, please do not hesitate to let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate them.

This tour represents a fantastic opportunity for you, and I have no doubt that you will leave a lasting impression on Canadian music lovers. We will continue to work together to make this tour a resounding success.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or require further assistance. I can't wait to see you perform and share your incredible music with Canadian audiences.

Best regards,

Garrett Fisher

RCA Representative"

"Loxley, could you cover my clientele from April 6th to April 22nd of next year? Garrett emailed the Canadian tour dates," Marianne asked Loxley.

"Girl, I'll cover you minus when I have clients myself, I'll ask someone," Loxley replied.

"I know Annabelle, Francesca and Kayla are coming on the road with me, and they'll be doing their appointments virtual," Marianne responded.

"Shit, I forgot that they tour with you," Loxley replied, laughing.

"I know, but we've got a cover coming in March, her name is Sigourney and if she fits in well, she's a part of the team full time, taking her off agency work," Marianne explained.

"Sigourney will be starting on March 4th when we reopen?" Loxley questioned.

"Yes, she's not going on prohibition if we hire her after her cover period's over," Marianne replied.

"Great," Loxley responded.

3PM, on the way to Piedmont, Marie weighs 5lbs 8oz. Marianne is listening to Demi by Demi Lovato. Shouldn't Come Back began playing, Marianne turned it up. In the car park, Marianne noticed her dead-to-me father Kyle's stupid Toyota Sequoia in the car park.

"Damn it," Marianne thought.

At a closer look, she sees Adrianna in the driver's seat and Kyle's nowhere to be found. Marianne hears 'Code Blue Emergency Room', which Marianne thinks it's about Kyle, but she gets to the children's ward for Marie's appointment.

After the appointment, Kayla phones Marianne.

"Mari. Where are you?" Kayla asked.

"Just leaving Piedmont now, why?" Marianne questioned.

"Dad's in the ICU," Kayla replied.

"What the fuck? I heard 'Code Blue Emergency Room' when I was walking into the hospital for Marie's appointment. I had a slight feeling it was for Dad but I didn't want to panic everyone," Marianne responded.

"I know, I was checking in with my OB to see when I could begin trying for another baby," Kayla laughed.

"God, Kayla," Marianne crackled.

At the office, in Marianne's office.

"Lottie, my dad coded..." Marianne said to Lottie.

"Shit, are you going to see him at all?" Lottie asked.

"Probably not, I hate his guts and I don't want to waste gas on seeing him," Marianne replied.

"Fair," Lottie responded.

"I don't think anyone minus Adrianna and her kids will be seeing him," Marianne laughed.

At home, Nehemiah has a surprise waiting for Marianne. Skylah got discharged and she went to Marianne's with Nehemiah afterwards.

"Alexa, play Rise of Friends by Marianne Haynes," Nehemiah said.

Marianne begins to walk through the front door and she sees Skylah, she begins to cry as her sister is standing in her living room holding Marie.

"Skylah!" Marianne shouted, happily this time.

"Marianne!" Skylah replied.

"Welcome home, and oh my, you're holding my baby girl," Marianne cried.

"She's perfect, Marianne," Skylah responded.

"I know, I can't wait for her to meet the entire family and even the Canmore Haynes team," Marianne said.

In the studio...

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