Daycare AU (a short preview)

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????: "mom! Mom! Hurry!" the youngest rushed his mother

????: she chuckles "Licorice... slow down, Pure Vanilla won't mind if you're a little late"

Licorice: "but today is special! It's Red's first time to the daycare!"

Red Velvet: "do I really have to go to daycare?"

????: "my darling, I can't take you to the office with me and you don't have school today"

Red Velvet: "oh, c'mon mom! Even a babysitter would've been fine"

????: "well... think about it, if the attendants are busy, and your sister and brother are unsupervised, what do you think could happen to them?"

Red Velvet: he opens his mouth to say something, but closes it, thinking about it "fine... but only because Pomegranate, Aronia and Licorice need me"
**creator's note: Aronia is an OC I made as Licorice's sister**

Pomegranate: "we can take care of ourselves, no biggie"

Red Velvet: "I'm still the oldest, and the second responsible for you two"

Licorice: "who says you're responsible?"

Red Velvet: "mommy does"

????: "alright alright you three, calm yourselves"

Licorice: "Aro! Tell mummy that we don't need Red to watch over us"

Aronia: "it's the better option, he's still the oldest, Lico"

Licorice: "but you're the second oldest!"

????: "kids-"

Aronia: "I can't control the mischief you get yourself into, so still no"

Red Velvet: "hah! Even your favorite sibling doesn't want to listen to you"

Licorice: "shut your mouth! We don't need you-"

????: "kids! No more arguing, and, please behave today"

*they all stop arguing and get to the daycare, where Golden Cheese was awaiting their arrival*

Golden Cheese: "good morning kiddos!"

Pomegranate: "miss Goldie! We brought our older brother today!"

Golden Cheese: "ah, I see" the attendant looks at Red Velvet "nice to meet'cha kiddo, welcome to Sunshine Daycare, I'm Golden Cheese, one of attendants responsible for you kiddos. So... what's your name, and how old are ya?"

Red Velvet: "I'm Red Velvet! And.... I'm 10 years old"

Golden Cheese: "I see, so now we have a group of 4, that scales up in age! You've raised wonderful children, miss Dark Enchantress"

Dark Enchantress: chuckles "why thank you, Golden Cheese"

Golden Cheese: "now... kids, come inside and have fun"

Pomegranate: "is Starfruit already here?"

Golden Cheese: "yes, she is, she should be at the playground with White Lily"

Pomegranate: "thanks miss Goldie!" she runs off to look for her best friend

Dark Enchantress: "oh- behave Pome!"

Licorice: "what about Dark Choco? Did he arrive yet?"

Golden Cheese: "no, sorry kiddo, Dark Cacao said he's bringing him late today, because he'll be picking up Crunchy Chip, Flakes and Affogato first before bringing him and Caramel to the daycare today"

Licorice: "okay! I'll just head to the play structure then! Bye mum!" he runs off

Aronia: "I'll go make sure he doesn't fall on the way- bye mum!"

Dark Enchantress: "bye kids! Behave and be careful!"

Red Velvet: "guess I'll meet the kids here- bye mom!"

Dark Enchantress: "bye sweetheart, make sure your siblings don't hurt themselves, and behave"

Red Velvet: "I will!"

Golden Cheese: "they'll be in great hands, we promise you"

Dark Enchantress: "thank you for reassuring me, Golden Cheese, I have to get to work now, I'll be picking them up by the end of the day"

Golden Cheese: "alright, see you then miss Dark Enchantress!"



A chapter to keep myself active on this app :D...

My motivation is slowly coming back, there's still some stuff to finish, and I'll try to work on it today, as well as try to start the CRK Daycare AU book today, if I can manage, It'll all be out today :)

Anyway- have a good day
Peace, out ✌
-Vee (author)

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