The first year anniversary

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A\N: My first Tiny Pretty Things oneshot in a while. Of course it will be Monique and Caleb romance/comfort.  Slight sequel to Telling him. I hope you Angels enjoy this one.

When Caleb Wick wakes up in his lover's bed he doesn't move, he doesn't turn his alarm off, he doesn't kiss his lover back when she kisses him, he doesn't tell his lover good morning, he doesn't do anything when his lover turns off his alarm, he just lays on his side, facing her bedroom door. "Hey." His lover whispers as she kneels down in front of him, her blue eyes fixed on him. He doesn't reply, he just keeps staring ahead, straight through her like she's not even here. He hears her sigh as she kisses his forehead and stands up. "You can stay here today, I'll tell everyone you need a day off, text me if you need me. I love you." His lover says softly before he watches her leave the bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Caleb picks up his phone and looks at the time: 7:30. I might as well get some more sleep. The young dancer thinks to himself before his eyes slip close.

To say that Monique DuBois is worried about her young dancer/lover is an understatement. She doesn't know what is going on with him today. She sighs as she checks her phone for the seventh time in an hour. She told Caleb to text him if he needed her but so far he hadn't. Her eyes check the time on her phone and widen as she looks at the date. "Shit!" The blonde woman says quietly as she grabs her phone and walks out of her office, ignoring Selena as she walks past the younger woman's desk. How could I not see it? Monique asks herself. She should've known what day it was, and how it would explain Caleb's behaviour this morning in her bedroom.

How come she didn't see that it was the first anniversary of Caleb's fathers death? She's so stupid.

She should've known.

Fingers running through his hair is what wakes him up from his light sleep. He knows the fingers running through his hair. His green eyes flutter open and he's staring into the eyes of his lover, Monique DuBois. She's smiling sadly at him. He returns the smile.

"What time is it?" He asks her quietly, his voice is almost a whisper. Monique sits beside him on her bed. "Almost 1 in the afternoon, you've been sleeping all day." She tells him, Caleb nods his head. He sighs as he grabs the hand that's not buried in his hair. "Do you know what day it is  today?" He asks her even though she knows, after all it was her who had to tell him. Monique sighs softly as she continues to run her fingers through his hair. "I do." She says quietly. "I'm sorry, Caleb, I'm so sorry." She whispers to him as tears fill his eyes. "It doesn't feel like it's been  a year since you told me. It doesn't feel like a year." The young dancer says quietly as the tears start to fall down his face. He's not cried since the night he found out about his father's death. He finds himself being sat up and brought into a hug by Monique. He buries his face in the crook of her neck and lets the tears slip down his face, landing onto her skin.

"I miss him, Monique, I miss him so much." He sobs into her neck. He feels Monique rubbing a hand up and down his back comfortingly, whispering things to him, trying to comfort him.

Monique looks at Caleb who has cried himself to sleep on her shoulder. She was glad that she was there when he finally broke down instead of bottling it all up inside. It's only 1:30 but they could both do with a nap so after texting Selena only to call her in case of an emergency, the blonde woman slips off her heels and takes off her jacket, draping it over a chair and falling asleep with her young lover in her arms, keeping him protected against the dreams that will most certainly plague him in his sleep.

When Monique wakes up it's to movement in her arms. Her eyes open just in time to see him enter her en-suite bathroom and one minute later she can hear the shower running and his music playing through his phone. She yawns and stretches as she sits up, her eyes staying glued to the shut bathroom door. Even though it's just after 2 in the afternoon, she wants this day to be over, for Caleb's sake.

Thinking of her young lover, the door to her bathroom opens, steam exiting behind him, a towel around his waist. He gives her a small smile as he walks towards her. She smiles as he gives her his first kiss of the day. He pulls away from her and walks over to the chest of drawers in the corner of her room, opening the third drawer and getting out a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. "You feeling okay?" Monique asks from where she's laying on her bed. Now dressed, Caleb turns around and smiles. "I'm doing better, thanks to you." He admits, coming to lie down next to her. Monique strokes his cheek. "I told you a year ago that I'm always going to be here for you. And that's never going to change." Monique tells him, Caleb leans into her touch. "Thank you, Monique." He whispers, kissing her again. The kiss deepens and they let it, each ridding each other of their clothes.

Caleb wraps his arms around his naked lover as she puts her head on his chest. They both breath heavily, catching their breaths as Caleb kisses her messed up blonde curls.

"Thank you for being here for me today." He says to her. Monique looks at him, her blue eyes sparkling as she smiles. "I told you, Caleb, I'm always here for you." The Director says. Everything in the bedroom is quiet, still and peaceful. Like they like it when it's just the two of them.

It's been a long day for Caleb Wick, as is everyday with his father gone, but as long as he has Monique DuBois, the long days are worth it when he gets to see her at the end of it.

A\N: This is my longest Tiny Pretty Things oneshot ever, which is why it took me two days to complete. I have a few more TPT Monique/Caleb oneshots in my head all planned, so keep an eye for them, enjoy this one, Angels.

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