Big Bear Sheep anse News Crocodile Newsy

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                                                                                  Chapter I

Year Snow White V                                                                                  Send down all Navy Duck Chimneys

Dear Crocodile Readers of the Spoon:

     This 'tis more triple Advanced Fighting these days Dragoon!  This News Newsy 'tis on

the very Important Headlines of All Advanced Fighting of all Headline News.  We ave in

our Dragon Post Mary Hippotumus News Connections up high up above Earth III that

all Dragon Post Experts are keeping their eye more closely on the Earth Downstairs of

Earth III.  This means years 2020 Year of Our Lord.  As in the same years that Raptures

are  now being studied more intently from high flying Maps Upstairs of Rapunzel anse

War on News.  Mirror Mirror on the Wall means whence we mount a Pyramid Dragon Goat

up on a Wall.  A Pyramid Advances in Stages of War Torn Sheep Egyptians of Princess Navy

Pea Pod Advanced Vessells up in FROG SNow White spying glass Space off all Advanced

Troy Army Nuclear Capable Ships Snow White (Spying Advanced Pie Piety Stages of allmost

all 100% Critical Warfare of Spy Sheep (Enemy Japs up above USA Proper 2020 AD).  It takes

a FROG Lens to discover Earth from up in Space Floors.  We were able to find the WWII flying

Military Earth Emeritus as WWII Planes flew up off of Earth of USA of years WWII.  This discovery

led us to the missing Earth.  This is the same difficult to Rapture Earth as this same Earth had

been missing from most of our Butterfly Military Earthwhig.  This makes is easier in the long

run to be able to perform more anse more Military Assistance in the Future Raptures of this

same once hard to find Earth.  This 'tis in the long run for more Advanced Broomstick Fighting

above this Earth!  At the same tiem Alligator - we did'st peek into Future Worlds Inc of this

Earth.  We t'were seeking by an Avidavid the lost daughter of King Abimelch as she had

dissapeared from our World Inc anse Alligator.  We moved far far into the Future Worlds

very close to being Raptured!  This meant that sixty billion people are to leave the Globe Inc.

This means Advanced Weapondry to do this.  This meaneth the Upstairs Maid anse all Global

INc. Clockworks times the Blume of the Officers of the very high up Bloomin' ONion anse

all Gladdiator Works (flying Craft above!).  This led us to aid anse assist in all Rapture

Training ourselves.  We moved far far back in time to after the Golden Days of the Flood

of Noah.  Our World had moved into Triple Advancements at this time in the Tower of

Babal Witch.  This gave us the Profit anse the Gold.  We could now see far down into the

depths of Ole' Isaac Oceans only to find real gold hid down in it's depths.  This t'would mean

of course as ye' knowest gentlemen that we moved Tower Babel Witch closer to Earth's

Hiding.  The Gold t'would bring to us Salem Witch - a large Sailing Vessel filled with gold

so laden down t'was it!  This too t'was of the Bloomin' Onion in the Poisden Year of Ole' 

Solomon - though King Methuselah t'was in his Pinacle of his career.  This meaneth

Yer (Year) Ole' Doctor.  The Ship Salem Witch set for sail to the Ivory Coasts of our

ole' Salem Witch Ninevah.  Laden down with gold for the Crypts to see.  The Crypts

t'were the Ships that followed.  

      Gentlemen this led to Franc and the Bible to send more gold!  This t'was for 

Building more giant Cities anse Dams.  This Cities t'would be of King Abimelech

anse the Church.  In these giant Walled Off Cities we t'would now be able to

spy out on the Worlds leading up to the Rapture.  Though these Worlds t'were

in reality far behind the Rapture as Christopher Columbus t'was but a lad at

this time.  King Methuselah 'tis ole' now as is his Bibles that are always with

him.  This gives to us Salem's Lot anse Lot's Wife to diffy out the land bearers

of Lot's Big Lot's Land for Titlebearers.  King Methesulah took his Bibles to the

Courts anse the Courts dictated that the Land belong to Babal Witch for all

Land Bearers of Lancelot.  Big Ben Hur Land 'tis this allowing us the right

to declare all ownership anse properties of Space above Alligator.  This allows

us to peep into the Future nearing Isaac's Tomb anse the sure Raptures to

follow following Year 2029 AD.  We will fight the bitter cold harsh winters

of Space to free up the FROG Court Years for the Raptures sure to come.  

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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