-ℙ𝕖𝕥𝕖𝕣 ℙ𝕒𝕟-

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Peter Pan, the eternal boy who never grew up, soared through the night sky over Surrey, England. He could feel the faint but unmistakable call of another potential lost boy. For Peter, this was a rare occurrence, and he took these calls very seriously. He believed that there was some kind of magic at play, something that guided hearts to their rightful place in Neverland as members of his lost boys. As he followed the ethereal pull of the call, Peter's journey led him to a quiet neighborhood known as Privet Drive. The moon cast an eerie glow over the deserted streets as he touched down, his shadow breaking free and making its way to a specific house – number four. Peter silently trailed behind his shadow, his heart racing with curiosity about the new lost boy he was about to encounter. Instead of his shadow climbing up the house and into a room, it mysteriously slipped under the front door. With a swift motion, he pulled out his trusty friend, "Tink" - the mischievous Tinkerbell, who effortlessly unlocked the front door.

Creeping inside, Peter's eyes were immediately drawn to his shadow, pointing at an inconspicuous cupboard tucked beneath a narrow staircase. The shadow then rejoined Peter, leaving him with an unsettling feeling about what he was about to discover. His nimble fingers undid the latch on the cupboard, and he gently opened the door. To his astonishment, he found not a lost boy but a girl. Peter had never been called by a girl's heart before; there had never been a lost girl in all his experiences. Puzzled and concerned, he wondered why she was confined to such a small, dark space. Taking a closer look at the girl, he marveled at her beauty, with long, wavy raven hair cascading over her shoulders, lightly dusted freckles adorning her nose and upper cheeks, soft, plump lips, and a curious lightning bolt-shaped scar on her forehead. But there was more to this picture; he noticed bruises on her pale skin and dried blood stains on the floor and her oversized clothing, which seemed to have been worn far too many times as well as being four or five sizes too big for her. She looked frail and vulnerable, and she was currently fast asleep..

Peter knew he couldn't leave her in this dreadful place. Peter Pan gently scooped the girl up in his arms, careful not to wake her. He cradled her close, feeling the weight of her small frame against his chest. Tink fluttered around them, casting a soft glow that illuminated the darkness of the cramped space. Peter couldn't fathom why a girl, especially one as delicate as her, would be confined to such a dismal place. The sight of the bruises and the dried blood stoked a fierce anger within him, his protective instincts rising to the surface. He carried her out of the cupboard and into the moonlit room, laying her down on the large, threadbare couch. With gentle fingers, he brushed a few loose strands of hair away from her face, taking in the peaceful innocence that seemed to radiate from her even in her sleep. His mind raced with questions and concern for the girl's well-being. 'Tink, what do you make of this?' he whispered to his fairy companion, who hovered nearby, her light casting intricate patterns on the walls. Tink's delicate voice chimed in response, 'It doesn't feel right, Peter. She doesn't belong here. We have to take her with us to Neverland. She's one of us, I'm sure of it.'

Peter nodded, a determined glint in his eyes. With the tenderness that only Peter Pan could muster, he gently picked the girl up, once again, and cradled her in his arms. He knew that, despite her present situation, he had found a lost girl who needed a place to belong, who needed the magic of Neverland to mend her wounded heart. As he prepared to take flight once more, carrying the girl in his arms, he made a silent promise to protect and care for her, just as he had done for countless lost boys before. Neverland had gained a new member that night, and the adventures that awaited this young girl would be like nothing she had ever imagined. To show her a world beyond the confines of Privet Drive, a world where imagination and wonder knew no bounds - he would help her find her place in Neverland, where she could be free to fly without fear and live without restraint.

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