Moments of jealously.

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"abigail's pov"

|I changed into  dark red dress I look at myself in the mirror.|

|I was admiring myself,scared of him he might do something to me, I gotta be strong

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|I was admiring myself,scared of him he might do something to me, I gotta be strong.I went out
Of the closet and saw tom, waiting there like i'm some kind of puppy.|

-wow,Abigail you look hot..-*he said admiring my body*

-what do you want tom-*I said looking deep in his eyes*

-i just came to say that I need you to come with me to a party, I need you to act like my wife-*he
Said walking out while I followed him around*

-what about Amaya is she OK, is she awake I wanna see her- *i said making him stop waking*

-You ask too much questions she's safe with bill don't worry-*he said a little stress*

|We started walking again I saw I was in a mansion, I wonder how much money he has
Or what he woks on.We finally got outside I saw a red shiny Lamborghini,he open the door
For me I went in, he walk around and enter.|

"Time skip"

|We got to the party he hold my waist and started walking towards the door, we got in I
Saw a bunch of rich people looking at us a blonde girl walk towards us and started talking to tom
They left and sat on front of a bar, I looked around me and saw a table with his name.I sat on the
Table a rich boy got close and started talking to me.|

-hello Abigail-*he said getting my attention*

-how do you,Alex hi what are you doing here-*I said looking at him after a few years of friendship*

-I came here cause I was invited, what are you doing here-*Alex ask*

|Alex he is an old friend of mine he knows me better than anyone, when he said that Tom's  words came to my head, I didn't keep secrets between him so I told him the truth.|

-look the reason that I'm here it's because I got kidnapped by Tom Kaulitz but I don't know
Why he brought me here-*I said stopping my sentence by noticing that tom was looking at him
Giving him a deadeye look*

-I need to go talk To you later-*I said standing up noticing I was being watched by Tom's

|I left Alex walking towards his table I went to one of Tom's Bodyguards and said|

-why are you following me-*I ask*

-i'm only doing my job here-*he said*

-well you can tell tom I don't need security now go tell him that-*I said walking towards the bathroom to fix my makeup*

|I went to the bathroom and enter, I started looking for my lipstick on my purse, while
I was putting it on I notice tom was there watching me as I close my lipstick and put it
Back on my purse to then turn and face him.|

- now  some want can't have time for them self without being watch-*I said walking towards the
Door until he grabbed my arm and then my waist*

-he told me what you said why did you say that-

-because I don't need people to watch me I'm not a-*I couldn't finish my sentence that's by him
Giving me a kiss on the lips.

"Tom's pov"

|I kissed her soft red lips, making her stop talking,I moved  away and made eye contact with her.I
Had an bunch of jealously all over me I never felt this way for someone until now.|

-know, you do what I say no matter if you like or not, you understand-*I answer she was shocked by the kiss*

-do you understand-*I said again getting stressed*

-yes I understand-*she said while her eyes told me how she was feeling*

|I left the bathroom with her, we went to my car back to the mansion we didn't talk all
Road,you could just hear our breath.We got to the mansion she saw her friend Amaya
She went running towards her while I went to bill.|

-did you finally did it,kissed her-*he ask Meanwhile looking at Amaya*

-yea she seem shock if only I could tell her the truth but it's to early-*I said*

|I could see the way he was looking at Amaya, he has been friend with her since 6 years ago
They were pretty close|

-you like her Amaya don't you-*I said*

-what no never I just see her as a friend-*he said noticing the girls were coming towards us*

"Abigail's pov"

|I was so happy to see Amaya finally awake, she told me that bill treated her really good,
That made me more happy knowing that at least she was okay. We started walking towards them
To let them know that we wanted to explore the mansion|

|they said that they would show us around tomorrow,but for now we needed to rest, I went to
What you call now "my room" I was a bit angry at tom for stealing an kiss from me but I got to
Admit he's a great kisser, the mansion was all quite that made me fall  sleep faster .|


●Hi sorry if it's too short I don't have that much of time.😅

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