Chapter Five

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Waking up between their warmth, I'll admit, it was pleasant. More than pleasant. The combination of their bodies coiled around me, their arms wrapped tight, possessive and assertive, answered some deep need within me that I couldn't possibly begin to explain. And the way they smelled. I wanted to roll in it.

So what if I moved a little closer into Leo's embrace? It didn't mean anything. Who cares if I enjoyed the feel of his lips pressed into my shoulder? Or how Anders's breath tickled my nipple, forcing it to peak up in excitement?

These were natural reactions. It'd be strange if I didn't have them. And I swear it wasn't denial. It was simply facts. Biology that we couldn't escape.

Besides, I wasn't the only one reacting. The stiff cock pressed against my back was proof of that. Even more so as it rubbed against me in slow, intentional movements, desperate for friction. Each shallow thrust of his hips shifted my own body, causing the other stiffened cock pressed against my leg to rub against my thigh, smearing the beginnings of precum along my skin.

"Fuck," I whimpered, unsure if I wanted to break this weird cycle of pleasure or encourage it. It had been so long since...


A large hand, I don't know whose, slid across my ribcage, reaching up to brush my tightened nipples. The involuntary widening of my thighs should have been enough movement to shock me out of this hazy trance I'd been caught in.

But the conversation yesterday, no matter how much I opposed it, had settled in, digging its claws deep, and making me question everything.

Here I am, alone in the middle of nowhere for an entire month, with two incredibly attractive Alphas. Not to mention an upcoming heat, which I hadn't experienced since I was twenty. It was an excuse, sure.

But I'd use it when the fog cleared. For now, I'd let the haze take me. Let it guide every decision I make from now on to absolve myself of any guilt that would surely come knocking on my door when I had to face the consequences.

Then what? Let one of them knock you up...become the statistic the world expects of you.

I stiffened. Not realizing another hand had made its way down to my cock to stroke the hardened length.


I brushed them away, closing my thighs, barring them from access to me.

A low growl vibrated against the back of my neck, teeth just grazing the skin in warning. Hands shoved my legs apart, locking them in a position of exposure.

"Wait!" I hissed, slapping the hands away again, wriggling away from their grasp. Yet the moment my head lifted, blue eyes were inches from mine, glowing with a ferality I had never seen before.

Anders held my gaze, like a predator eyeing its prey. I didn't dare move an inch, not even when the hand on my cock squeezed and stroked me to near completion.

"Breathe," Leo coaxed behind me. Like a damn had burst, I writhed and whimpered under their ministrations, desperate to feel more, lose control, and just...feel.

I couldn't control my hips, didn't know why they thrust up while I fought to pull away. It didn't make sense, this need to give in but push away with equal fervor.

"Please, please, please," I chanted, not sure what it was I was pleading for. Stop? Don't stop? I didn't know, how could I possibly assume they would?

And yet somehow, they knew more of what I needed than I did. Alpha instinct? I wouldn't know. But they brought me to the precipice of pleasure with the symphony of wet, filthy sonnets followed by a whimpering crescendo.

My thighs quivered with each spurt of cum, dripping down my cock and splattered across my stomach like something to be admired.

What did I look like to them? In the morning light filtering through the cracks of the cabin walls, which we've yet to seal. On this old uncomfortable mattress, wrapped in a threadbare blanket full of holes and questionable stains.

Something to be desired.

Anders pulled his face back a few inches to glance down at the mess of me. His blue gaze tracked every glittering puddle of spend on my flushed skin. Leo groaned from behind me, rubbing his cock along my back with strength.

I should have known they weren't done with me. And yet, I still managed to misread the situation, trying to detangle myself from their grasp to clean up before things grew uncomfortable.

This time, they did not bother with a growl, Anders simply used the hand covered in my fluids to delve lower, sliding a path down my balls, until they circled the pucker leaking with slick. Not as much as I would have in heat, but definitely enough to betray all the desires I had fought so hard to hide.

There was no preamble, no warning, no gentle coaxing, before those very fingers pushed inside my channel and didn't stop until knuckle deep.

"Fuck!" I moaned, head tilted back until it rested on Leo's shoulder.

If I had only focused for a moment, I could have seen it. The predatory desire that flooded his startling green eyes. The animalistic focus on bringing me pleasure to find his own would have been clearer than anything I had ever seen.

Maybe if I had seen it, I would have known that there was no backing out of this. Not when Anders moved his fingers within me. Not when Leo pinched my sensitive nipples and tongue made love with the skin above my scent gland, a teasing promise. Not when my body rocked with wave after wave of pleasure, turning my insides to earth and worms like the most horrifyingly natural thing in the world.

I couldn't possibly, not so soon after the first orgasm. Yet somehow, I was there. It was too much, too sensitive, tugging at me in a way that warned of the danger of what might come. I didn't know what may unleash if I let it continue.

"Wait! Wait! Fuck!" I pushed at Ander's chest, legs flailing, arms desperate for purchase.

Leo slammed me down and pinned me there as Anders's fingers fucked me in earnest, shaking the mattress, making the floorboards creak, rocking my body with such force, I may have gone flying into the flames.

I was a flame. Every ember lit and exploding. Nothing but fire and passion burning me up until I was coming again.

"Too much," I whimpered, their strokes, their touches, all against my oversensitive skin. It was too much and I couldn't escape it.

"Please," I whispered. Again, not sure if it was begging for more or begging for it to end. All I knew is I wanted them to put me out of my misery, but in which way remained undetermined.

Leo panted in my ear in time with Anders's heaving chest.

I don't know if they came, I couldn't be bothered to check. All I knew was that if someone didn't catch me now, I'd end up floating down a path of no return.

If only that hadn't been their plan all along.

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