You're The Only Friend I Need

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inspired by "Ribs" by Lorde (it's a song, totally recommend!)
This is a very wholesome lil oneshot!! we need some more wholesome things in this angst ridden fandom (i eat up angst yummy) Basically this is going to be small-ish (three lol) stories about them fr
-Uzurengiyuu friendship (underrated trio)
-Humor and fluff
-Them being the silliest trio ever
-The other Hashira being haters (most of them)
  The sun and the star... but no moon?
"I'm getting real sick of this.." Tengen muttered as he stared at multiple friend groups, all of them above three friends. "Sick of what? Are you feeling a fever coming on?" Kyojuro asked, his voice as loud as ever.
"Sick of- well- this! We're a duo Kyo! always will be... but what if we were a trio..?" Tengen said, a smile forming on his face at the idea. "Oh! I see... that would be fun! But who would be the lucky third?" Kyojuro said, looking around then suddenly saw a lone man. There's the lucky third! "What about Giyuu? He's a good man, and apparently very fun if we can get him out of his shell!" Kyojuro pointed out, he also wants to get to know the guy. "Giyuu? hmm.." Tengen thought about it, then again, he could get some serious bragging rights.
"Sure! Let's get that guy- pounce on him!!" Tengen said as he and Kyojuro started to speed at an unsuspecting Giyuu. Giyuu was spaced out, and was hungry. Then, he did feel like he was being targeted all of a sudden. He looked around and say Kyojuro and Tengen running at him at full speed "wha-" those were his last words.
"GIYUU- BUDDY OL PAL!" Tengen said as he scooped up Giyuu with ease, which just made Giyuu so confused and scared him a bit. Kyojuro simply laughed as Tengen basically kidnapped Giyuu, taking him straight to a bar. "The fuck just happened??" Sanemi said as he watched the whole thing happen. Iguro just shrugged.
Super Nova Spectacular!
The hashira were short three, which confused them to a massive degree. Two of them were massive extroverts who would never miss a hangout day. One of them was possibly the biggest socially awkward introvert, which him being missing wasn't too big of a surprise. But then they heard an explosion, one that was a little too close to the Master for comfort.
"Awww man! Another failure... again! Same formation! Don't give me that look Giyuu!" They heard a familiar voice as they got closer to investigate the incident. "What. The. Hell..." Sanemi muttered once they got to the scene. It was a disaster, a huge mess of color and flames, and... vapor? The Hashira saw the three culprits who cause this mess, and of course, Tengen was leading them.
And for some reason, Kyojuro and Giyuu were actually listening to what that madman was saying. Nodding along and trying a new formation when they're told. Shinobu knew she had to be the one to stop the before they cause an even bigger disaster. "What are you three doing?!" She said with a stern frown that was eerily similar to an angry mother. The three flinched at the tone, mostly Tengen. "Uhhh... a super flashy idea that none of you could even imagine! Like- it's crazy!" Tengen boasted, Giyuu and Kyojuro nodding in agreement.
All the hashira were just perplexed by this, but Kanroji was so curious about it. She had to ask! "What's the idea?" She asked with a smile and seemed excited to hear it. Tengen got all excited and started to shout out commands to his two friends, Giyuu was suddenly looking nervous "Um- should we really do that with people around..? You saw what it did with just us.." Giyuu said with an expression that made the others worry. If he's nervous, then what the hell was this "idea"? "Don't be so nervous Tomi. It'll be fine!" Tengen said, making sure that he's the perfect distance for his amazing light show. Kyojuro and Giyuu looked at each other and shrugged.
The colors were beautiful and bright! But the aftermath was... less than perfect. Turns out the flamboyant idea was to combine flame and water breathing with his sound breathing, and turns out, the result is explosive! They got a heavy lecture after that. Worth it in Tengen's eyes.
Grilled Cheese Showdown!
    Every other month, the ultimate showdown happens between three men. The most awesome, most handsome— flamboyant men ever, have this ancient showdown. The three men chosen to continue this ancient tradition by fate and the gods themselves, to perfect it to the upmost degree. These men, Tengen, Kyojuro, and Giyuu, were chosen to make the best grilled cheese sandwiches ever made by man! One of the best western dishes ever (Kyojuro opinion). They were  in a rented kitchen, all of their estates were far too busy to even be used for such a delicate task. Which wasn't true at all, Tengen has wives that would rather not have the kitchen used for this "showdown", Kyojuro can NOT use his stove- too much fire power, and Giyuu doesn't use anything in his estate (Kyo and Ten plan to change that).
   "How do we even make this... we've tried almost everything.." Giyuu muttered, looking at the very wrong looking sandwich. Tengen was getting real sick of this, how do the westerners do this?! Perhaps he shouldn't have listened to that crazy man who was apparently "the best man to learn about how the world works." He's starting to think he was lying. "Do not fret Giyuu! We will figure this out! We mustn't give up!" Kyojuro declared, patting Giyuu's back with a cheesy hand, making Giyuu grimace. Thank Buddha he wasn't wearing his haori. The flame hashira apologized for that, going to wash his hands as Tengen groaned loudly in frustration. "We're missing something! I just know it!" Tengen said as he shook Giyuu's shoulders violently, making the ravenette dizzy and almost fall over.
   Kyojuro came back and thought about it, what is it they're missing? Then it hit him, fire power! They need fire power to properly cook and melt the cheese and toast the bread, then finally they'll have a grilled cheese sandwich! "I got it! Please move out the way, I'm going to show you why I have the name Rengoku!" Kyojuro exclaimed, pushing Giyuu and Tengen out the way of the mighty grilled cheese. Tengen was so confused, that was until he saw Kyojuro pull out his sword and mutter something about purgatory and ninth form. What. "Kyojuro- no- NONONONO-" Tengen screamed as he picked up a confused Giyuu like a teddy bear and squeezed him. Giyuu was confused and then fear set in, not like he could run. This was probably the loudest he's been ever heard "KYO- NO-"
   Turns out that grilled cheese doesn't need that much fire power. Tengen grabbed the both of them before the rental kitchen exploded. Too bad they ended up covered in smoke and exploded cheese from overwhelming heat. Ew. Kyojuro was disoriented, Giyuu was heaving and struggling to breath, poor dude was a water breather. Tengen was coming back from the adrenaline rush. "Okay- so... that didn't work." Tengen declared, wiping his chef clothes with a sigh, looking over at his friends who were out of it. He slapped Giyuu's back, which weirdly helped with his breathing, who coughed violently. Kyojuro spoke in a not very apologetic voice "I guess that didn't work! You okay Giyuu?" He asked the coughing man. Giyuu gave him a weak thumbs up.
   "Let's hope the others don't hear about this."
Spoiler alert, the others found out.
HOPE YOU ENOYED THIS!!!!! also sorry for not posting for so long.... school and holidays...
have a good day or night!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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