s1 ep 6: The Remembering

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When I wake up, I turn over to see my daddy's side of the bed empty. Shoulda known he wouldve gotten up before the sun. I slide out of the bed and change into a simple blue t-shirt and jeans. I was gonna go with Miss Monica to school today! I've only been a few times because if she gets caught with me, then we both can get into trouble. I run outside with my pink backpack over to the Duttons extra house where I knew she was going to be. I get there and I was right, of course. I give her a twirl and she applauds my outfit. "Lookin' extra good, Livvy! You excited to go back to the school today?" I nod, "I did all the extra papers you sent to Daddy and I brought some books I was hoping you could help me with a few words." "Of course, honey." I stand beside where she is sitting and lean my head on her shoulder and she reaches back and pets my hair. I lift my head as she stands to Mr. Duttons voice approaching with Tate.

"You're up early," Mr Dutton said towards Monica. "Tate has school. So do I and Livvy," she sighs looking towards her son, "Go on and brush your teeth. We gotta go." I start reading one of my books in the chair Miss Monica was sitting in. I hear them talk about Kayce and all the trouble he has been in. I look up from my book when Monica asks Mr Dutton about the brand. "They- they don't all do it, just the ones that got a second chance. I guess that's the way they prove they're to be trusted," he answers. "Is that why they did it to Kayce? They couldn't trust him?" she asks. "It's not to be touched," I speak up from where I'm still sitting. They look back to me and Mr Dutton asks, "You know about the brands?" I nod, "I asked the wranglers one time and they told me. They said whoever has the brand can't be touched or they have to fight daddy." Miss Monica looks concerned and glances back towards Mr Dutton who sighs. He looks down. "Am I in trouble? I swear I didn't know it was bad." I say beginning to become nervous, wringing my hands. Miss Monica walks towards me and pets me hair as Mr Dutton replies, "No, No Livvy, you're not in trouble. But the wranglers are." My stomach turns thinking about the wranglers I got in trouble. I swear I didn't mean to. When I get home, I'm gonna get some I'm sorry flowers and maybe today I can write the I'm sorry cards to everyone. I go to tell Mr Dutton to not be too harsh on them, but Tate runs out before I could. Watching the grandpa and grandson go to the main house for donuts, I go out to the arena and start making my way around each cowboy hugging them goodbye. As I'm hugging Ryan and Colby goodbye, Ryan speaks up, "Livvy, you act like you're leavin forever sometimes. You're only goin for a few nights." I shrug, but continue hugging them, "Sometimes people say that, but they don't come back, at least to here." I don't notice the glance the wranglers share as I say that. I ask them if they've seen my father and they point towards the side of one of the arenas. Before I walk away, I look over my shoulder to where they're idling, "Oh, by the way guys, I might've got you in trouble with Mr Dutton." I hear they're questions as I walk away, "Livvy! WHAT DOES THAT MEAN!"

I run over crashing into his side. He steadies both of us and lifts me up onto the top ring. He lets me hug and lean against him. "You leavin?" He asks me. "Yep, but I'm waitin on Tate to finish eating breakfast and then I'll leave." "You pack everything? Toothbrush, hair brush, clothes, school work?" He starts listing stuff. "Yes daddy," I huff back towards him. He clips my ear, "Watch the sassiness, now go on and you behave or you'll hear it when you come home." I nod against him and let him drop me to the ground. He kisses the top of my head, "I love you, baby." and I run over to where Tate and Monica are waiting beside the car. I wave goodbye before hopping into the back seat. We start driving towards the reservation and I just lean my head back.


I awake from my small nap in the back seat as we pull up to the school.Miss monica parks the car on the side of the road. I look out the window to all the kids yelling and running towards something. Miss Monica hops out of the car and I can hear the kids chanting, "Fight. Fight. Fight!" She grabs Tate and I's hand," Come on let's go." as we all cross the street together. She grabs our heads, "Look at me. Stay right here." We both nod and hold hands together as she turns around to break up the fight. I hope it's not as bad as the fights on the ranch like the older guys get into sometimes. I keep telling myself that she'll be okay. She's the grown-up, she'll be okay. Tate holds onto my hand tight as we watch her walk into the circle of older kids. My head shoots up from the ground as I hear the kids gasp and the fight breaks up. She's lying on the ground with her face looking away.

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