Part6/Meeting the crew

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Loona P.O.V

I was going to talk to bliz. Then I looked back and I saw him sleeping while standing up then I looked at the human and she shrugged.

 Then I looked back and I saw him sleeping while standing up then I looked at the human and she shrugged

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(I like to sleep alot in irl)

Loona:Does he do that all the time?

???:No this is a first for me. By the name's Chara and your loona I suppose

Loona:Ya you got a pro-

She didn't finish her sentence when a door slammed open to reveal the boss

???:Loonie it's time for a mission you two M&-

'great now how am I'

Gold:Oh is that the boss himself great

Gold P.O.V

Looks like it's lucky day today

Gold: Hello sir I was wondering if the job is open for me and chara

I held the paper he looked at it then back at us with a smile

??? You're hired, the name's blitz the o is silent of course oh yeah M&M GET IN HERE AND MEET OIR TWO NEW EMPLOYEES

Gold:well that was quick. Ok where do we get to kill I'm excited

Gold summons a knife out of nowhere and twirl the knife ready to kill

Blitz: Hold on kid you need to meet m&-

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Blitz: Hold on kid you need to meet m&-

Blitz was cut off when they all heard some running and there was a blur then gold got hit but was still standing

???:Oh my sorry got a little bit too excited there but my name is Millie and moxxie shoul-

Moxxie: I'm here I'm here

This is where the helluva boss polit now takes place

What if I was reincarnated as a killer sansWhere stories live. Discover now