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              ♬= play music (no music in this chapter tho)


Harriet is floating and flopping in a dream, her movements slow and goopy, her surroundings blurred together.

She hears some muffled voices, but she's not sure whether they're in her head or outside her dream. 

Wake up. Her body seems to tell her, trying to jolt her and open her eyelids. She wishes she could.

It feels like an eternity until she wakes up, her head banging against a hard surface as she does so.

Harriet groans in pain, rubbing her head softly and blinking to adjust to the light.

'You've got to be kidding me.'

Bruce Banner smiles thinly. 'No kidding, Jackalope.' Harriet flinches at the nickname, still rubbing the spot where her head made an impact with the car roof. Am i really that tall now?

'Don't call me Jackalope. My name is Harriet. Don't call me Harry either.'

Bruce just rolls his eyes and nods. If nods could be sarcastic (she thinks they can be), then that would be. She narrows her eyes in return.

'Why the fuck am i in this car?' She snaps curtly, her eyes narrowing to slits. 'Did you drug me? Are you fucking crazy?' Bruce doesn't seem to react, his face completely relaxed--which was an unusual occurrence for Bruce-- as he listens to her ramble. 

'Where are you taking me?' She hisses, her voice still the same brusque tone.

Bruce squints as if looking at a lab experiment through a microscope. 'New York. It's for your own good, kid.' Oh, how many times have i heard that. She raises an eyebrow.

'For my own good? What's that about? How would you know what's good for me, after what happened- what might still be happening to my mother?' Harriet growls, her hands tightly gripping the black leather seat that she was tightly strapped into, her seat belt digging into her collarbone.

Bruce replies smoothly, but she can hear his teeth grinding together.

'That's about the fact that you're in danger, and you need protection.'

'I need protection? From what, exactly?'

'I can't tell you that.'

Harriet groans again. Awesome. Shes going to a possibly remote location with a creepy old family friend who her mother hadn't seen in a year before she went missing.

Harriet Percival Ames Brown is past pissed off.


a/n: shorter chapter this time :) am updating as fast as possible tho ★ i appreciate all the support sm thank u- i wanna make a quick shout out to my friend-, i love ur support so much and appreciate u staying even when i'm super annoying sometimes★ ur awesome bestie ★ also, im considering changing the cover- idk 

love ya'll,

xo, cie✦

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