"man fuck you"

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i finally made it back to my hometown ! when i open the door i see my sister getting dressed and i say "where you going ?" she turns around and says "nina and dre's wedding,your going to so get dressed and you also have to go to brandon's funeral..." she stated sadly because she didn't want you to find out this wat especially since she didnt say anything sooner. i laugh and say "your very funny !" after i stopped laughing she still sat there with a sad look on her face . i chuckle a little bit and say " no no no brandon cant be dead.. i spoke to him about 2-3 weeks ago .." i feel tears start to form "he was just talking anout marrying jerika and his new restaurant" i say . Chyna gets up and hugs me as i break down crying . Brandon was the only one who helped me get back to my happy place . he was like a brother/dad i never had . me and brandon did everything together. I even helped him with his truck. I was there for him and his mom when coogie died . I couldn't believe it . After i finish crying i got dressed and put my necklace on that had a picture of me and brandon when i was younger . I hot dressed and we went to nina and dre wedding . I seen jake,papa and kevin . Papa saw me and waved me over to where him and jake were . I go and sit next to papa and he says "where the hell you been ?" before i could answer both kevin and jake say "man fuck her" i put my head down to stop tears from coming and everybody just looks at us . " can we not do this right now?" they all roll they eyes and then the wedding starts. I see keisha walking down the isle she looked very beautiful. I then see kevin walking nina down the isle. i was very happy for nina . she was actually marrying someone who made her happy . After the wedding me and kevin walk to brandon's funeral. " you know,you got some nerve to be coming back here acting like you never left" kevin says. "well it was such short notice so you cant get mad at me ." i said rolling my eyes. "whatever im just glad your back because i need to tell you so much stuff about what happened while you were gone" he stated. we get to the church only to see ronnie trying to pay his respects. he asks us to put in a word and kevin says no but i say yes . kevin looks at me and i say " brandon gave him a second chance so we should to" kevin nods and ronnie walks in behind us . we go up to brandon's casket and i just stare. i feel my eyes watering and i go sit next to emmett. he wraps his arms around me while i sit there and let my tears fall . after kevin came and sit down ronnie went up to his casket . Brandons mom got up and started going off . I got up and grabbed her and sat her down . she speaks up and says "get the fuck out of here" ronnie pays his respects and walks out . After the funeral we go back to nina and dre wedding . We walk in to jake ,papa and some girl in the kitchen with a wine bottle. jake gets up and opens the bottle and starts pouring the wine on the ground and says "for reg.." i look at jake with shock . and then kevin grabs the bottle and says "for brandon" i grab and say "for coogie..." i look at jake and say "im sorry for what happened to reg.." he looks at me and says " you only saying that because you back and you don't want me to be mad at you." i shake my head and say "no jake ,reg was like a brother to- " he cuts me off and says "man fuck you."

okay first chapter done it was pretty long but i really hope yall enjoy !!

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