21 - The Return: 2

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[A Few Minutes Earlier]

So, Hakuja, my supposed alternate self, are you ready to hear my absolutely awesome plan? Gamma waved his arms around extravagantly. 

Hakuja deadpanned at him in response, but his glare didn't seem to do anything to tone down the exaggerated mood of the malformed creature he had found hanging out in his soul. Instead, Gamma continued on with his explanation.

Before I get into it, time for a quick quiz. When you consider all the circumstances, who do you think that big 'ol rat of ours is really loyal to? You, or Fritz?

Hakuja thought for a moment, but his response apparently didn't come quick enough before Gamma layed a single finger over the snake's mouth.


'...I didn't even say anything...'

I don't care. This is my speech; lemme run it how I want.

The snake was left to question what the point of the question was in the first place, pushing Gamma's finger away from his face with a swipe of his tail.

You see, I believe that Ryoshi is only loyal to Fritz, because he's loyal to you. Fritz is just a broken off piece of your soul. He shares a lot of characteristics with you spiritually speaking, so it's possible that our lovable little furball companion is only compelled to him because he saw you within Fritz. He barely sees Fritz at all. It's just like you're the one giving him orders.

Now that Gamma had mentioned it, Hakuja remembered when he had reunited with Ryoshi after Fritz's creation. The rat had grabbed hold of the bat, staring straight through him. As if he had seen something past Fritz's eyes that had nothing but his undivided attention.

Now it was starting to make sense.

"So, what? I take advantage of Ryoshi's loyalty to me? But what does that get me? And how would I even go about doing that while I'm stuck in my own head?"

That's the thing, though. Gamma raised a finger again, winking at the snake. You're not in your own head! You're in Fritz's head. As things are, the two of you are completely different people, your mind isn't his and his isn't yours. So, taking that into account...

The entity's hand flew to the side, slapping his palm against an invisible something beside him. From that point of contact, a strange aura emanated, and a moment later, a sort of rift formed.

Since you're not bound to this body, I figured there wouldn't be any problem with you hopping into a different one~

Hakuja wondered at the rift for a moment. "What the heck is that?"

A link to Ryoshi's mind! I figured out that one particular event makes this sort of thing possible~

At that moment, a window appeared in front of Hakuja, displaying a Skill name and its description.

【Naming:Gives a name to an object or living being, improving its effects or raising its stats. Naming a living thing gives the namer slight influence over the named, which can be combined with other skills to grant complete control.】

You gotta remember that the uses of a skill are a lot more adaptable than what they appear as. I just went and combined the link created with that bad boy with shit like Cooperation, Leadership and Creature Training, and voila!

'I see...' Hakuja thought to himself. 'I've been thinking way too in the box since I came to this world. I gotta fix that...'

Welp, on you go! You've got shit to do, buddy. No idea what that shit is, but you'll figure it out~

So I'm a Snake, So What? (Kumodesu x OC)Where stories live. Discover now