MR x Uzi | Part 9 (Sneak peek)

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They fly through outer space and find out that the giant battery to power the inside of the ship is running low so they stopped by another planet and landed their ship on a docking bay

They saw a information board of this planet for new travelers and finds out that this plant is the same gravity as mars and as you know it, toxic air and the planet name is WLWLWL

e/n: And thats short for "We live we love we lie"

Tessa takes off her mask and this is another one the colonys by the remaining JCjenson employees and that will treat drones equal to not make the same mistake

They ask the locals if they know where they can get a space battery and they all say to go to this person because their selling one but not for money

They all head to this one person and enter the shop looking place they've set up and sees him stting in his chair and notices them

???: Oh well hello, looking for the soace battery?

y/n: Yeah

???: Well Jm not selling kt for money but information

Tessa: What type of information?

???: Information in the abandoned JCjenson study lab

y/n: And where's that?

Alex: Before I tell you introduce yourself, Im Alex

y/n: Im y/n

Tessa: Im Tessa

V: Serial designation V

N: Serial designation N

J: Serial designation J

Uzi: Just give us the battery-

y/n covers her mouth befire she can say anything else and make a bad situation for them

y/n: Her nams is Uzi

He gives Uzi a look that says "don't" all over it

y/n lets go of her mouth and Alex is trying to find the holographic map and Uzi silently says something

Uzi: Sorry

y/n: Its alright

Alex: Alright here it is

He oulls out a holographic map and it shows where they are and where the abandoned JCjenson lab is

Alex: Let me explain, so your going to go in and when your in a room called Documant files room 2 abd look into capinet labled A-9 and you'll find a file named GPP

e/n: Its short for get packet phoenixed

Alex: And just to tell you it wont be easy since the place is one heck of a maze and the map of the place is not longer visable after a couple hours in there because the batterys will run out and the signals will die out deeper you go in

y/n: Well this wont be fun

e/n: This is just a sneak peek of whats next so this aint the finished product and I made this cuz I needed something for yall

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