Chapter One 🥋

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Eli's POV:

"So do you think Clo is coming back today?" Demetri questioned, as we sat in the cafeteria. I just shrugged my shoulders. I didn't know how to answer a question like that. School so far has been far less bearable since Cloë has been hospital. But now she's home after a smooth recovery. Though she hasn't wanted to see any of us, only Rya. I couldn't understand why though. We're her best friends too.

"Is it cool if I sit here?" A new kid asked, as he stood at our table. "Ooh. Sorry, table's really blowing up right now. I can put you on the waitlist, but it's probably next semester at the earliest." Demetri remarked, sarcastically. We laughed to ourselves, both knowing it was clearly a joke. "Okay." The guy said, turning to walk away.

"No, I'm kidding. Sit." Demetri stated, gesturing to the empty seat beside me.

"Miguel." He introduced as he sat down beside me. I didn't say a word just let Demetri do all the talking.

"Demetri. This is Eli. He's a man of few words."

"There's usually two others as well. Rya and Cloë but who knows if they'll be here to- well speak of the devil." Demetri stated, muttering the last few words.

I turned seeing two girls walking together, arms linked. It was Rya and... Cloë. Holy shit that's Cloë. I couldn't believe it. She looked as beautiful as she always but different all at the same time.

"Hi boys," Cloë greeted, that beautiful wide smile she was always known for, stretched across her face like normal. She looked like Cloë but there was so many things that were different now. One them being she no longer wore her glasses. Something I took note of immediately. "Hey Clo. You look great for someone who had been in an accident." Demetri remarked with a chuckle.

Cloë just giggled, she knew to never take what Demetri says seriously. "I missed you too Demetri." She laughed.

"Anyways who's this?" She questioned, clearly noticing Miguel.

"Oh hi I'm Miguel it's nice to meet you both. We were just talking about you." Miguel stated, nervously.

"Is that so?" Cloë asked, raising her eyebrow at us. "Did you two miss us that much?" Rya giggled.

"Hey! In my defence I was actually warning Miguel. It's been peaceful without you both." Here Demetri goes acting serious again. "Oh c'mon Metri admit it you missed me." Cloë laughed, poking Demetri in the arm.

"In your dreams Miller." Demetri spat, shoving Cloë back.

"Well at least Eli missed me, right?" I just nodded my head. Of course I missed her. Only I was gain enough to admit that.

Cloë's POV:

"See I'm glad to see someone missed me." I giggled, smiling widely at Eli. My joy though was cut short pretty quickly. Seeing Yasmine followed Samantha Larusso walk past our table. "Dude don't torture yourself. Those are the rich girls." Demetri scolded the new guy Miguel who sadly sat gawking at the girls as they walked past. "Do you ever talk to them?" Miguel asked.

"Oh yeah! All the time. We hang out after school, make out, give each other hand jobs. Eli here is the homecoming king. Gets laid more than anyone. Isn't that right, Eli?" Demetri remarked sarcastically.

"Talk to them? You realise what table you're sitting at, right? You've signed away all hopes of losing your virginity before college."

"Oh c'mon metri you're being dramatic." I laughed.

"First of Cloë you're a girl, a hot one at that, it's different for you and Rya."

"Whatever Demetri." I said, rolling my eyes at him. He was being ridiculous. "Oh shit, Yasmine's looking at us." Eli muttered, making me turn to look at the girls. There sat Yasmine giggling amongst her friends. "Probably just making fun of me." He stated, defeated.

"I don't think she's making fun of you. I mean, just because they're hot doesn't mean they're mean." Miguel said, trying to defend the girls he doesn't even know yet.

"You don't them like we do." Rya stated through gritted teeth.

I could tell how hurt Eli already was without a word even being said to him. I instantly walked over to him. Sliding in between him and Demetri, sitting down on his lap, staring at Yasmine the entire time. "Don't you worry about them E. The time will come when you're better than them. Trust me."I whispered in his ear as I tried to reassure one of my bestest friends.

"I don't care if Yasmine is the meanest girl at school. I'd kill all of you just to get her to spit in my face." Demetri stated.

"Then you are the stupidest person I have ever met." I scoffed rolling my eyes.
"Whatever Miller, the heart wants what it wants."

"Yeah well if you never make a move you're never gonna get a shot with her." Miguel stated.

"True, but I'll also never suffer a humiliating rejection. I'm at peace with my depression."

"Last thing I need to be is suicidal."

Miguel began to stand up. Clearly making a poor decision. "What are you doing?" Demetri asked immediately.

"Striking first." Was all he said before walking over to the girls table. "Oh shit. Hope we don't get hit with the shrapnel."

"Kid's definitely got a death wish." Rya stated, shaking her head.


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