Clash of the Knights

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(It is a new day as Beth is in her limousine on her way to school after the weekend.)

Heathcliff: So I heard that you decided to join a club at school, Young Mistress.

Beth: Oh yes. One of my friends asked me to join a Duel Monsters club they thought of forming. And after they saved me from going to a school I didn't want to go to, I decided to pay him back by agreeing to join the club.

Heathcliff: I see.

(A few minutes later, the limousine arrives at the school. After exiting the limousine, Beth spots Kyoya and Hikaru talking to Kazuma and Haruhi.)

Beth: Hey guys.

Kyoya: Ah, Beth. Good morning to you.

Beth: Good morning. So what were you guys talking about?

Hikaru: We were telling Kazuma that we got the okay to start the Duel Monsters club from the Headmaster. He also said that we'll be given a room to hold our meetings.

Beth: Sweet. Can we go see the room?

Kyoya: I don't see why not.

(Kazuma, Haruhi, and Beth then followed Kyoya and Hikaru as they entered the school. After walking through the hallways, they stopped at a door. After opening the door, they looked around to see that the room was similar to the Host Club room.)

Hikaru: Kind of reminds me of the Host Club's room.

Kyoya: Minus all the women.

Kazuma: Well I say this is perfect.

Beth: Well we should all get to class.

Haruhi: I agree.

(The group then leaves the room to go to their first hour classes. A few hours later, Beth is walking to the cafeteria for lunch before spotting Izukuro leaning on the wall before spotting her.)

Izukuro: There you are. I've been looking for you all day.

Beth: What do you want?

(Izukuro then holds up a poster for the Duel Monsters club in his hand.)

Izukuro: I'm thinking of joining the Duel Monsters club.

Beth: Well this is surprising. What makes you want to join?

Izukuro: Just feel like joining the club. Besides, I saw that little show against the Lobelia girls and was amazed that your friends were able to beat them. So I figured I'd give it a try. Unless you're not looking for new members that is.

Beth: Well I'm not the one that you should talk about joining the club. You should talk to Kazuma about joining the club.

Izukuro: Alright. Mind taking me to him?

Beth: Why would I after the way you treated me last time?

Izukuro: My apologies about that. I was just having a rough day.

Beth: Well then, I accept your apology. Come on.

(Izukuro then followed Beth as the two walked toward the cafeteria. After spotting Kazuma and Haruhi, the two walked towards them.)

Beth: Hey guys.

Haruhi: Hey Beth. Who's this?

Izukuro: The name's Izukuro Kagenou. I'm wanting to join the Duel Monsters Club.

Kazuma: Really? That's great. May I ask what made you want to join?

Izukuro: I just so happened to have been near the area you and your buddies dueled those Lobelia girls last Friday and thought it wouldn't hurt to join.

Ouran High School Duel Monsters ClubWhere stories live. Discover now