The summoning

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Peter was having a crappy day so far, it had been about a month since the "incident" as he had dubbed it and he had finally worked up the courage to go see MJ again. Only to find out that she had just left for MIT. To make matters even worse, people put together a parade in honor of Iron man, right outside his house. So peter did the obvious thing, he bought himself a cat and snuggled on the couch with it (cat name ideas?). He got up to grab a thing of moll from the fridge and as he walked there, he started to feel a little tired. His eyes started to droop, his head felt dizzy, and then it happened, it felt worse than on titan. His molecules were being ripped apart  and put back together. His spidey sense was tingling so bad it hurt, danger danger danger it warned. Finally his legs faded out from underneath him and he drifted into unconsciousness  as black spots took over his eyes. The cat meowed in dismay, then faded too...


Tony was worried, his ki- I mean peter wouldn't answer the phone. It was the day after his homecoming dance and Tony wanted to apologize and give peter back  his suit. But peter wasn't answering, he ALWAYS called them so Tony never had to call him, so it was strange that peter didn't  call to tell him all about his homecoming last night. As Tony tried dialing him again he felt kinda woozy his knees felt weak and he quickly feel asleep.


The rogues had just booked another hotel, this was the 3rd this week. It had been three weeks after the battler and it obviously had an affect on the team. Clint called his family every day, Sam had become a lot quieter, Nat was, uh, still nat, and Bucky regretted that fateful day every moment. As they pulled up to the hotel, everyone except steve suddenly passed out, He looked at the uber driver "Oh  n-" 


Thor and Loki gave each other a quick glance before looing at the person in front of them, "Thanos" Loki spat with venom in his words, but before he could say anything else, he saw his brother break into pieces, then float away. He felt a tingle in his arms and before he could say anything he too, was gone with the wind. (lol) Thanos stared at the spot they had disappeared from, "What the-"


Bucky and sam sat acrossed from  each other with Stephen at their side.  They gathered for their weakly 'I saved the fricking universe/multiverse but most of my frickin friends died and now I'm traumatized (More so that before)' or 'Istfu/mubmomffdanIt(Mstb)'. "So," began Dr. Strange, "Let start today with the topic of-" And then they were gone


Ned, Mj, and Jordan, (The Besties Group) had been accepted to MIT, they were living their lives a sharing an apartment. Mj sometimes stared at the black dahlia necklace, wondering where it came from. Jordan swears he remembers giving it to her, but she couldn't recall it. "So Mj, have you seen t he news about-" and just like that they were gone...


Peter 2 and Peter 3 were living their not greatest but not worst life's. Of course they still remembered the other peter and worried about him... but they knew of all people, he could handle it. As they noticed them selves fading away it felt peaceful, very sleep like. They muttered as they faded away "Welp, this must have been what he had been talking about..."


Wade was, er, wade. he was chillin eating his chimichangas when he started to fade away. He looked straight through the readers device and whisper 


















Matt, well matt didnt see it, (duh) but he felt it. "Oh well, here we go again"


u decide how the others got there idk


Sorry I haven't  updated in a while guys, i've been really stressed out about stuff and my dads getting married so ive been helping and i've been working on school, and the musical, and a ton of other stuff. sorry again luv ya my little spiderlings.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2023 ⏰

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