Chapter Ten

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Her green eyes looked deep into my blue ones and I couldn't help I leaned over till my mouth was right next to her ear and whispered,

"I want to kiss you Ryder...."   

"I think I want you to kiss me...."

I took a deep breath and leaned in pressing my lips to hers. The spark ignited into a full fledged flame. She moaned against my mouth and I feel her nails press against my back. I couldn't help the growl that fell from my lips and I dragged my teeth over her bottom lip kissing her again. That heat, the passion  that I have only had with her started to rage deep down and I knew what I wanted. She smiled against my lips. I leaned up breathlessly and whispered,

"Ryder I need to be with you again, I want you, do you want me baby girl?"

"Yes Joey, I always have..."

She pushed her mouth feverishly against mine and I feel her hand sliding down my chest till she reached my belt tugging it. I pulled back as much as I didn't want too

" not here lets go in the bedroom, I don't want Stryker to wake up and see us."

I stood up and grabbed her hand walking through the bedroom door. Ive been with Ryder countless times but for some reason this feels different. There is a desperate need to just feel her close to me. She shut the door and stood in front of the bed. I watched as her hand reached up slowly sliding the teeshirt over her head dropping it to the floor. I liked my lips at the sight of her standing on front of me in nothing but a lace thong. She didn't say a word just walked over kissing the spot on my neck that drives me insane as her hand pulls my belt. It opened in her hands and I stepped letting my pants fall to the ground. Her hand grabbing mine pushing me to the bed. Her body slid up mine and I feel her mouth against my neck as her hand took ahold of me sliding up and down. My breath ragged as she slid herself onto me and began to rock her hips. She didn't stop till I cummed in her so violently that I couldn't catch my breath.

She slid off and next to me, her arm dropping over my waist.


"yeah baby"

"Stay the night...."

I couldn't help but smile,


"Yes, really."

she shifted laying her head on my chest like she always did and my heart skipped a beat. I picked up a piece of hair twirling it around my fingers and she sat up and smiled. I didn't expect her to lean up and kiss my lips sweetly before laying her head back on my chest. We both just laid in the bed, nothing was said, nothing needed to be. We both knew that.I don't know how long I just laid there watching her sleep before I finally fell asleep. 

It was seven in the morning when the alarm on my phone went off. I reached over turning off. I couldn't help but smile there she was her head resting against my back. I had to get up as much as I didn't want too, I have and 8:30 studio time. I leaned over kissing her head before sliding from the bed. I have so many thoughts and feelings going on, last night the way it felt the way I felt I know that her and I are still meant for each other. I grabbed my underwear from the floor and made my way to the bathroom. I finished up and quietly opened Stryker's door. There he was peacefully sleeping with the bear my sister got him when he was born. With a quick red bull from the fridge I headed back into the bedroom. As much as I don't want too I have to get dressed and head out soon. I reached up damn my lips felt chapped, Im not surprised though as much as we kissed last night. I didn't think much of it and I went looking on top of Ryder's dresser for some chapstick. I didn't see any but out the corner of my eye I spot her makeup bag, it has to be in there. 

I opened it up not expecting anything but a bunch of makeup but my heart bottomed out when I seen it. My hand shook as I reached in pulling out a baggie of white powder and a small mirror. This can't be real, there is no way. I feel my stomach bubble, I feel like Im going to be sick. This is Ryder there is no way she is doing cocaine. Then the realization hit, she works in a strip club and a sleazy one at that. I dropped down to the bed just looking at the small baggie in the palm of my shaky hand. What they fuck am I going to do? I can't just walk out the door like I didn't see it. She has my son in this house and its totally unacceptable. 

I took a deep breath and walk across the hall to my son's room, there he laid still peacefully asleep. I walked over picking him up and he lifted his head sleepily.


"Hi buddy"

I looked at him and wiped the tear that slipped out.

"Daddy what are you doing?"

"Getting you dressed so you can go with me."

"Where we going?"

"Back to my hotel buddy."

I finished getting him ready and sat him in the living room with a bowl of cereal and the Disney channel on. I didn't want him to hear anything that is about to happen when I walk back into that bedroom. I quickly turned to volume on the TV and told him to stay in the living room and I walked back down the hall. 

I pushed the door open and just stopped and looked at her for a minute and it hurt. The Ryder I was with last night, thats Ryder. Whoever is doing this it isn't her. All I know this ends and it ends today no matter what. If she doesn't I will take Stryker and take full custody of him. That is the last thing I want and the last thing I ever expect to do. I took a deep breath here I go....

"Ryder Lynn!"

She rolled over but didn't wake up. I yelled louder,  my heart beating so hard I can feel it in my ears.

"I fuckin said Ryder Lynn wake up!!"

She stirred before sitting up yawning and rubbing her eyes.

"Why are you yelling Joey...?"

She had a confused look on her face.

"Ryder answer me something and don't lie to me because I already know the answer. Are you on fucking drugs?"


"I am going to ask you one more time and think before you speak, are you on drugs?!"

"The fuck are you talking about Joe, you know me better than that."

I can't even believe she is sitting here lying to my face. I feel the anger build more. My fists ball up my breathing heavy.

"You must think I am really that damn stupid. If you are not getting high and on drugs what the hell is this?"

I held up the baggie in my hand and I watched her eyes widen.

"Joey let me explain..."

"Is it yours Ryder?"

"It is but wait....."

Thats all I needed to hear, I swallowed the the bile that threatened to rise and grabbed Stryker from sitting on the floor. I walked back in the room standing in the doorway.

"Say goodbye to Stryker he is coming with me."

"What the fuck you talking about?"

"You are doing coke with me son here, so guess what Im taking him."

"Joey no...please."

"This is the deal Ryder, This is done the club, the coke every fucking thing. You are going to come stay at the hotel with me and then come back to Boston and get into a rehab or Im taking him and thats the end of it!"

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