034. 'jumping off things in the ocean'

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"So I peered through a window

A deep portal, time travel"

         AFTER THE WHOLE ORDEAL, NONE of them really fancied travelling during the dead of the night. So, instead of feeding into their insanity, they decided to wait until morning to continue with their journey. Everyone found themselves settling in their own spots in Geryon's living room; Annabeth opted for the comfy, cushion rocking chair that nobody fought her for; Tyson was sprawled on the carpet with his bedroll. Grover and Percy, however, decided that they were going to crash together on the leather couches. Everyone was basically passed out, but Dodie.

She couldn't sleep a wink. All she could do was sit in an armchair she had dragged near Annabeth and looked at particularly nowhere in the far out distance.

It was hard to fall asleep, you know, after what had occurred. Even after hours since it happened, she still couldn't stop her heart from beating fast at the remembrance of Bianca di Angela, She guessed, at least, Bianca was safe in the hands of the Underworld... safer from the war that was inevitably brewing.

...but was it really good? Dodie had to ask herself: Was her death really all that worth it? It was an inquiry that Dodie didn't think anyone could answer for her. Either way, the sight of Bianca truly settled a sense of closure within her. She could no longer say that it didn't lay her guilt of a survivor to rest, because shamelessly, it did. She felt somewhat more at ease, and that felt wrong. Why was she feeling so good the fact that Bianca did not hold a grudge over her... or Percy... or anyone from the quest, really? Dodie heaved out a sharp breath. She didn't understand. She really didn't.

Dodie decided that moping inside wasn't enough and made her way out of the house. It was a beautiful night with the stars gleaming across the night sky, protected by the goddess of the night. The moment her foot step through the threshold and out onto the porch, the Texan night breeze blew against her face so vividly.

Yes, Texas.

They were in Texas, the very southern state where the old "Yee-Haw" cowboys live. The very state in which Will had long been proud to belong. It made sense, she guessed. That explains Eurytion's get-up and Geryon's Wild West outfits. But surprisingly, one thing she didn't expect from Texas was how chilly the night was, in spite of it feeling like it was hell just hours prior. So cold, so relaxing, yet not so comforting.

But that was the last thing that had caught her attention. What had truly captured her attention was the small, soft silhouette of a figure sitting down on one of the steps. Dodie quirked her head to the side as she approached the figure.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now