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Matilda and Sonny walked to the great hall

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Matilda and Sonny walked to the great hall. "Merlin im starved."

Sonny chuckled. "How long were you trapped in detention with that idiot?"

Matilda didn't reply, something inside of her twitched, she didn't know why, but she didn't like hearing Sonny taking badly about Mattheo.

"Um pretty much all day," Matilda shrugged it off. "Listen can we just drop it?"

Sonny looked at Matilda and snickered. "Yeah whatever."

She falsely laughed and continued heading to the great hall. The doors were already open, so they just walked in and parted ways as Matilda walked to the Slytherin table, meanwhile Sonny went to the Ravenclaw table.

Matilda huffed as she looked at the food infront of her. She grabbed a plate and piled it with mashed potatoes.

She played with it with her fork for a few minutes, while thinking about Mattheo.

Suddenly, she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Don't play with your food, Matilda."

She looked over her shoulder but there was no point, she already knew who it was.

"Mattheo," she whispered as he was about to walk away.

He turned around with a smug grin on his face. "Yes, Matilda?"

"Can we speak?" She muttered, standing up and leaving her food.

"I'm busy-" Mattheo began, but Matilda had already grabbed his wrist and was dragging him out of the hall.

Matilda avoided looking over to a specific table as she led Mattheo out of the great hall.

They stopped in the middle of the corridors. Matilda stood awkwardly, looking up at Mattheo.

She opened her mouth, about to speak, but Mattheo interrupted her.

"Not here," he said as he took Matilda's wrist and dragged her into a broom closet.

Matilda was slightly shocked at the quick movement. "Um anyway," she began.

"I don't know what happened- almost happened-"she corrected herself.

Mattheo rolled his eyes. "You actually came here to talk?"

Matilda stopped speaking. "Excuse me? Why else would I bring you here?"

Mattheo stayed silent.

"Oh.." Matilda realised. She also stayed silent for a moment. "But you don't like me?"

Mattheo scoffed. "Says who?" He muttered.

Matilda heard him, but stayed quiet.

"So.." Matilda said awkwardly, now looking at her feet.

Mattheo reached his hand out to her chin, and lifted it up so she was looking at him.

They had gotten closer together in this small amount of time.

"Should we finish what we started?" Mattheo asked.

Matilda snorted. "Mattheo you're probably high."

He shrugged. "When am I not high?"

Matilda rolled her eyes. "I've never kissed anyone before," she began, trying to make excuses.

"Let me be your first."

Matilda looked down. "What about Sonny?"

"What about him? You're not dating, right?" Mattheo asked.

"No?" Matilda slowly replied.

"Say less," Mattheo said as he swooped down and just went in for a kiss.

He shut his eyes almost immediately, Matilda was the opposite, her eyes were wide open in shock.

Eventually she relaxed into the kiss, her hands made their way up to his hair, and began massaging his hair.

Mattheos hand were travelling up and down her back, making her shiver.

"I can't breathe," Matilda said as she pulled away, gasping for air.

Mattheo chuckled. "That's the fun part."

Matilda giggled along.

"Are we done here?" She asked. Mattheo kissed her once more, this time was much shorter.

"I suppose we are," he smirked, opening the door.

"See you on Monday for your tutor session," Matilda smiled and shoved him out of the closet.

She waited a few moments before leaving. As she left, she spotted Pansy walking up the corridor.

"Hey Pansy!" Matilda smiled.

"Hey Mattie, Whatcha doing in the broom closet?" Pansy asked and she smirked, taking a peak inside.

Matilda became flustered. "Ahh, I lost my... quill! I had to look for a new one," she blatantly lied.


Pansy knew exactly who she was there with. She spotted them leaving the Great Hall together, so she followed.

AN- so sorry for inactivity!! Tysm for 1.14k reads while I was gone!!!! I'm so so grateful. I will be more active.

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