Chapter 1

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Y/n spent a lot of time unpacking her things in her room. She had to admit, the House of Lamentation's guest room was quite beautiful and comforting. She hadn't expected to see or experience something so calming in the devil realm.
After putting away all of her clothes in the dresser, Y/n remembered bringing the book of spells. "What to do..." She pondered over where she could put it. Looking around the room, it didn't seem like there were many hiding places. She continued unpacking, placing her hair brush and toothbrush in the bathroom, and her makeup at the vanity. There was suddenly a knock at the door. Frantically, Y/n zipped up the suitcase holding the book of spells and shoved it under the bed. "Yes?" Y/n asked. The door opened, it was Mammon.
"Yo! I figured I'd drop by and let ya know that it's dinner time. Ya know, since humans need to eat and all." Y/n nodded and smiled. "Of course, I'll be right there." Y/n put the other two suitcases under the bed as well, then treaded behind Mammon to the dining hall. Upon arrival, everyone else seemed to be seated, except for Lucifer, who was nowhere to be found. She noticed that there was a plate already made for her.
"You all didn't have to make me a plate. Thank you so much!" Y/n sat down. "It's no problem. It's you're first time in the Devildom, we figured we might as well make a good impression." Satan said. "And Beel helped me compile a meal featuring some of the Devildom's signature dishes!" Asmodeous smiled. Beelzebub, already chowing down, nodded while chewing. "And it's all delicious." He said with his mouth half full. Y/n also noticed that he had six or seven plates of food in front of him. How much does this guy eat? Looking down at her own plate, she was taken aback quite a bit. This sure was Devildom signature food alright. Was it even edible for humans? Not wanting to be rude, she took her first bite. Not bad.
The table was silent for a while as everyone ate. Lucifer never showed up. Y/n decided to break the silence. "So, when Diavolo was talking about you guys, he called you the avatar brothers. What exactly does that mean?" She asked. "We are all representatives of the original seven sins. For example, I'm the avatar of wrath. I don't like to admit it, but I have a pin-drop temper. Mammon is the avatar of greed, Levi is the avatar of envy, Asmo is the avatar of lust, and Beel is the avatar of gluttony." Satan explained. 'So that's why he's eating so much. And that explains why Mammon is the way he is.' Y/n thought to herself. "So that means Lucifer is-" "The avatar of pride." Leviathan cut Y/n off before she could finish her sentence. "Right." She said. Though, it perplexed her that they represented the original seven sins yet there were only six of them.
"Speaking of Lucifer, where is he anyway?" Y/n asked. "Dunno, probably skipping dinner again. All he does is work, work, and work. Ain't no fun." Mammon replied. "Who said that's something to complain about? I'm personally enjoying the lack of lectures and nagging that comes with his presence." Satan remarked curtly. "Oh, I never said it was a bad thing. Just sayin' that it's a thing he does on occasion." The brothers began to file out of the dining room as they finished their meals. Beelzebub went into the kitchen to finish off whatever was left over. Y/n decided to head back to her room and rest for the remainder of the night.
She was up on her phone until nearly midnight when she finally put it down on the nightstand and shut her eyes. She tossed and turned for a while, but she just couldn't fall asleep. Again. Y/n glanced at her phone to see the time. 2:30AM, wow. She got up and decided to walk around the House of Lamentation for a little while, at least until she grew tired. This would be a good way for her to find her way around the place. It was huge and, after all, she barely got a tour of the place when she first arrived. On her night walk, Y/n ended up discovering a beautiful balcony, a planetarium, and the living room. Now she was just trying to find her way back to her room.
Just as she was nearing the hallway her room was in, Y/n heard a faint voice. It wasn't one that she recognized, nor did it sound like any of the brothers. All she could make out was a faint 'Help.' She followed the voice and it led her to a small, odd set of stairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Startled, Y/n turned around. It was Lucifer. "Up these stairs. I heard a voice coming from this direction. Did it look like I was going anywhere else?" Lucifer's eyebrows furred at her attitude. Y/n didn't mean it to come off as rude, she just had a long day. "I assure you that you heard nothing. It was probably my brothers playing a trick on you, if anything. You'd do well to remember that you are a guest here, princess." Lecturing? Y/n wanted to vomit. This was the exact thing she was hoping to get away from by coming here, but here she was, enduring it. Who did he think he was anyway?
"Don't call me that. Besides, isn't it pretty rude to not show a guest around the house, or skip dinner with them on their first night visiting?" Y/n snapped back. Truthfully, there were a lot of other factors contributing to Y/n's irritation other than the situation at hand, but it didn't help. This was a game Lucifer was very used to playing. "I was busy with paperwork regarding your entrance into Lord Diavolo's exchange program. Some of us have responsibilities we need to fulfill." He said, giving a death stare. "I'm heir to the throne of my kingdom, you don't think I get busy often? And I still find ways to tend to my guests." Y/n crossed her arms. Lucifer smiled and shook his head. "I am the Avatar of Pride to all in the devil realm. You're the heir to one of several measly human kingdoms. We are not the same."
"Oh, that's rich. I like where this conversation is heading. You know, a few centuries ago they used to behead people for talking to a member of the royal family in such a way." Y/n rolled her eyes a smiled cunningly. "Ha, is that supposed to be a threat?" Lucifer was almost laughing. "No, not really. I've just never had someone I just met talk to me the way you do. It's refreshing in an ironic way."
"I supposed so. But I stand firm, you are not permitted up these stairs. You may be Lord Diavolo's guest, but to me, you're just a human. I will entertain
you, but do not tread lightly while you're here." Y/n frowned. 'Why is he so hellbent on putting me down?' She wondered. "I think you might find through me that humans are your equals, not your inferiors." She said in a softer, more confident tone. "You're confidence is amusing. I'd suggest heading back to bed. Goodnight, Y/n." Y/n turned her back on Lucifer without another word and began walking toward her room. God, he is so arrogant.
Y/n couldn't stand how pretentious he was toward her, especially with her status. She knew she had to prove him wrong not just about humans, but about herself. If she couldn't do that, she could at least annoy the hell out of him trying. Here began the vicious cycle of her trying to win his favor while pissing him off royally.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 17, 2023 ⏰

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