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It's been around a week since I was sent into the glade, and I still haven't received a job, I haven't met the famous Minho since he's "always busy". 

I stood up from my bed, and I looked around anxiously, going through everyone's supplies. Yet, I still couldn't find it. I groaned in frustration, but quickly after a voice had made me jump.

"What are you doing?" 

I spin around, facing Thomas, he was leaning against the huts poles, watching me with amusement and curiosity. I sighed in frustration, throwing my hands around, and turning back around to cover my face and hair rom him. 

"You have all this stuff, and I can't find a mirror and a hairbrush?" I whined, as I began to look around again. He chuckled in amusement, and walked up to me now, grabbing my shoulders and forcing me to face him. 

"You look fine y/n. Now go see Newt and Alby, they have a job for you." 

I smiled, completely forgetting about the hairbrush and mirror as I started to feel my stomach bubble in excitement. I smiled at Thomas quickly before leaving, racing towards where Newt and Alby were.

"There you are, you ready to see what job you got?" Alby asked as I ran up to the two. I nodded excitedly, following the two inside the hut. I remember Newt and Thomas telling me about the different types of jobs, although I still don't know what are the runners, and I still haven't met Minho.

"You think she will become a runner?" 

"I'm not sure, I don't think Minho would recruit a girl."

I glanced around as I heard murmuring all around us as we walked past. I sat down quietly in the corner, hoping no one would talk to me unless I was friends with them. Especially if they're all trash talking me.

"Girls are weak, and stupid. She will never be a runner." I heard one of the gardeners whisper to another gardener, both staring at me judgementally.

"Who says?"

Everyone snapped their heads to Minho who had just walked in and stood a few feet away from me. I know I've seen him before, but not really this close before. He was defitly tall, muscular but not scary, and definitely handsome.

He looked at me, then held back a smile. I thought he was just trying to be nice or something, like anyone else would do. 

"Nevermind, she looks fragile." 

But I was wrong.

I heard a lot of people snickering around me but then Alby stood up and silence everyone with just the sound of him clearing his throat. 

I looked down at the ground in embarrassment, everyone was laughing at me for the fact that I was a girl. I began to shake my leg as I looked back up, zoning out o what Alby was saying. All I heard was the last part.

"We still haven't decided her role, but we've decided to test her on all of them." 

I noticed Chuck had raised his hand like we were in class, I smiled softly, thinking it was just adorable. 

"Even being a runner?"

Everyone laughed at Chucks silly question, obviously I couldn't be a runner. Like Minho said, I was too fragile. I didn't like to think I was, but I knew I wasn't strong enough to be a runner.

"Yes. Even a runner."


I stared at Alby in disbelief and a little bit of happiness, even though I wasn't strong enough, it did look cool. Having to go into the maze and try to find a way out, and I wasn't to bad with running either. 

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