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It was the start of a new school year. Adeline Flick had much anticipation for what the new year could bring she could hardly contain her excitement. Of course she shared the same wishes that many other girls had wished for. Romance, excitement, adventure and mischief. 

It was currently 12:00 am on a random Sunday night in London and I could barely stay awake. I planned to Floo powder over to the Weasley's at approximately 8am and not a minute over. The Weasley's had invited me over a few days before school had started to watch the Quidditch world cup. In person. Mr.Weasley had won a fat stack of galleons this summer due to a galleon draw. I had heard that they had went to visit Bill in Egypt for a month long. Truth was, I have never been that into Quidditch, in fact I am deathly scared of heights so I doubt I'll ever be on a broom more than 5 feet off of the ground. Heights and snakes. Especially during my third year when we found out a snake was living right under our feet. But to pass up an opportunity of a lifetime? No way. 

I was excited to be back at the Burrow and considered it my home away from home. However, I was even more excited to see my favorite twins that the world had to offer. Fred and George Weasley. The three of us have basically grown up together sense the age of five, when our mothers had met for the first time in Diagon Alley, taking their small children with them. That's never a good idea. The three kids had decided it would be a good idea to run off into a nearby candy store and scare our mothers half to death, and sense then we have been nearly inseparable...

When I was a young girl I had wandered off from my mother around 15 minute into our trip and into a candy store. My little mind couldn't comprehend what was happening. So many colors, so many shapes and so much candy. I walked over to her favorite sections, chocolate, and started eating when two young redheads walked up to me. "Hey you're not supposed to be eating that!" A young George Weasley scolded me. 

"You can't tell me what to do. You're just a smelly boy". I had protested in response, digging into my second chocolate frog and sticking my tongue out at him.

"Fine we'll just get the shop keeper." A young Fred Weasley said with a grin and the two turned around and started walking away.

"WAIT!" I shouted towards them, "I'll share if you don't tell." I could feel hot tears starting to  form in my eyes. I was always sensitive as a child and it carried with me into my teenage years. 

"Wicked" The two of them said at the same time and joined me on the floor and we all shared one chocolate frog. The words that shot out of their mouth simultaneously startled me. I had never met twins before. Nonetheless identical ones.

"I'm George by the way. And this is my twin brother Fred." He had said in mouthfuls of the chocolate frog and Fred had waved to me way giving me a toothy and very chocolaty smile. 

"I'm Adeline. I wish I had a sibling. It sucks living all by myself. I'm always stuck at home with my parents and our cat." I put my head down and suddenly lost my appetite for the chocolate. I was a very lonely kid. I didn't have many friends as my mom was homeschooling me until I could start at Hogwarts.

The young George noticed this and put his hand on mine and said, "Well, you could have some of mine if you wanted. I have to many and I don't mind sharing. You could start with Fred and if that doesn't work out you can have another one!" This earned a punch in the arm from Fred and a giggle from myself. "I'm gonna call you Ads. I don't think I could remember your full name by the time we see each other again." 

"That sounds great." The younger version of myself had smiled up at him, we had held eye contact for a little bit before George started digging into his chocolate. The three of us sat in silence for a few moments until our mothers burst through the doors and saw the three of us sitting with chocolate smothering our faces. Weather it was the three of us getting into mischief when we shouldn't have or if it was just late night talks we shared, talking about life, feelings, and their biggest fears. That day marked the start of a new friendship...

 A soft purr distracted me from my excitement and memories as I looked over to see my cat, Willow looking up at me. I smiled at the cat picking it up and softly stroking its furry body. "Hello Ms. Willow", I smiled at the cat as if it could comprehend what I was saying. The cat only offered a purr in response. I had always wanted to bring my cat to Hogwarts however, with my father in the house all day by himself it was better for her to stay here and keep him company. A soft creak could be heard from down the hall, startling me and immediately made me rush to turn off my small lamp that was lighting her room and running back to my bed, pretending to be asleep. My  door had creaked open and a tall figure appeared. 

"Addie I know you aren't sleeping". The tall figure said with deep voice, switching on the light switch which made Willow run out of the room and I had turned toward my father standing in the door frame. He was older, around his mid 40's. He was very tall with a brown beard and gray slowly coming in. He had long brown hair as he never cut it. My mom always loved playing with his hair. I should have known it as him. He always knew that I never sleep the night before seeing the Weasley's. I mean can he blame me? The Burrow was probably the best place in the whole wide world in my opinion. It was so calming just being there. The fields, the ponds, the smell. Everything. And Charlie was so dreamy. Even though he didn't live at home anymore, they still had pictures.

"I'm sorry I'm just excited about seeing Fred and George. I haven't seen them sense last school year. It's been a whole summer." I couldn't help but wonder what had changed sense the last time I had been to the burrow. Or even, who had changed. I must admit she always saw the Weasleys as an attractive family. Especially Charlie but he was much to old for me. my hormones got ahead of me sometimes and made her think of what George may look like now, one summer can change a lot about a person. I actually had changed and was finally growing into my women figure. My breasts had grown and I had put on some weight, although I had convinced herself it was muscle from all the running and working out I had been doing. I always saw George as the more attractive twin even though they were identical. There was just something about him that was so much different than Fred. Something that I can't explain.

"I know you're excited but darling you need to get some rest. You have the whole day ahead of you to see them and you should know by now they're going to wear you out. Try to get some sleep." My father came and kissed me on the forehead before saying 'go to bed' and flipping the light off and closing the door. Maybe he was right. I had decided to try and get some sleep before the big day ahead of me.

7 hours later I woken up and looked at her clock. 8:00 AM was shining close to her face. "SHIT!" I yelled and hurried to get changed and finish packing my bags. I was supposed to be AT the Weasleys at 8:00, not waking up at 8:00. I had grabbed all of my trunks and left them at the door as I was informed by Molly Weasley that she would have someone get them and bring them to the Burrow. I hurriedly put my long dark hair into a braid and brushed my teeth and rushed out of the bathroom. I grabbed a piece of toast and jam as I saw a note left on the counter top.


I wish I was there to send you off to school this year but I had an emergency come up. Have an amazing year and stay out of trouble. Focus on your studies. I love you.

XOXO, Dad 


I smiled at the note before shoving it in my pocket and grabbing the Floo powder Molly had sent me a few weeks ago. I walked over to the fireplace and took a deep breath before saying, "The Burrow", and was instantly sent flying out of my house in a green fog and my stomach tossing and turning.

Authors credits:

Please bare with me as I write this. I tend to misspell some things even after triple checking. I hope you enjoy 'Firewhiskey' as much as I know I will enjoy writing it. My chapters will probably be around 2000 words if not a little under. Thank you and happy reading! :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2023 ⏰

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