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They'd been driving for what felt like hours, it seemed to never end.

Harriet still felt a bit queasy, the drugs still adamant in her system. She rubs her eyes, the phosphenes dancing around in her vision.

'You feel sick?' Bruce asks, as if somewhat telepathic. Harriet scowls. Sure, i feel a bit sick. I've been drugged and now i'm in a fucking moving car. She bites her tongue though, stopping herself from saying anything she might regret.

She shakes it off, trying to hide the hue of green spreading across her face.

'Here, we have a sick bag if you need it.'

She gives the plastic bag a nasty look, turning away as she gags again. 'That would be the result of the sedation drug coming out of your system.'

'Maniac.' She mutters in between heaves, leaning forward in her car seat.

After another half hour of gagging and heaving, they approach the airport, in all it's... Airport-ish glory.

'That's your stop, kid.' Bruce smiles, but Harriet suspects it's fake.

'What do you mean, it's my stop? Aren't you coming?' She says, panic easing in slightly. She may not like Bruce, but she'd certainly feel safer if he stayed.

'I have matters to attend to. I'll meet you in New York.' He grumbles, forcing Harriet to roll her eyes and slump back into her seat.

'You're acting like a teenager.' He growls at her, raising an eyebrow as they pull into the car park.

'That's because i am one.' She breathes angrily, desperately trying to wind her window down. 'Can you roll down the window? Please?' Harriet tries to ask the agents, pressing the switch down like her life depends on it.

They stop the car, and Harriet Percival Ames Brown knows, it's going to be a long ride to New York.

a/n: hi im sorry that pietro isnt in the story yet ☃ its a slow build my lovelies, enjoy the ride while u can. once again- im sorry it was a short chapter ☃☃ forgive me! promise promise promise the next chap will be longer

love ya'll,

-xo, cie✦

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