Morning sex

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(slightly m)


Legs splayed out over thin sheets, the curtain's blowing through the open window. The couple lazily stretched over the bed, the hazy afternoon sun bathing them both in a golden light. It was a lazy Friday where Lisa and Jennie were just happy to be in each other's company.

Lisa fingers tapped a gentle rhythm on Jennie's stomach, where her pajamas top had ridden up. "Baby?" Jennie hummed in response "i love you"She smiled and rolled over to press in to her chest. "i love you too"

She gage a massive grin, still as lovestruck as the day she first heard those magic words come from her lips. She tilted her head up and gave her a lazy kiss, an air of absolute contentment around them

Lisa let her hand rest on the dips in Jennie's hips, Fingers lightly brushing along her smooth skin. She wrapped her arms around her neck and ran her fingers through her hair.

The kiss slowly grew more heated as she met her tongue with hers, sending sparks of pleasure through them. Slowly ran she fingertips up and down her waist, causing her to shudder with sensitivity. She smirked into the kiss and let her hands trail further up until they crept under the hem of bunched up shirt.

Her touches were teasing, resting just under the swell of her breast. Lisa chuckled an let the pad of her thumb slowly rolled over her hardened nipple. Her movements halted as she grabbed onto the bulge in her grey sweatpants. She guided her so that she was laying on her back and shimmied her body lower down on the bed.

Peering up at her with innocent doe eyes, she continued to her erection, Lisa's smirk now melting away at the sensation. She decided that she wanted more dramatic reaction and gestures for her to lift up her hips up that she could pull down her sweatpants and underwear. She smirked at the exposed woman in front of her and shifted so thay she was sitting on her feet.

Bending down, she kitten lick her tip, relishing in the sharp intake of air she heard. Slowly she teased her, giving her just enough attention to keep her on edge but not enough to fully satisfy her.

"Baby" she said, her voice gruff and firm, a warning. Jennie just looked up and raised her eyebrow innocently. They locked eyes in a heated stare, both waiting for the other to make move. She ended up giving in to her wishes, her clueless expression quickly settling into a smirk, she licked a long stripe along the underside of her dick, stimulating an especially sensitive vein. Lisa hands gripped into the blanket next to her as she took all of her in her mouth, her hands holding into her hips.

Sinking deeper, she took as much as she could take, her hands running along his skin and sending shivers down his spine.

Lisa was breathing deeper, the feeling of her soft lips and tongue on her hard dick almost too much for her. Jennie pulled off slowly and let her tounge flick at her slit. She groaned as the sensation sent a wave of pleasure through her body making her hair stand on end as she came into Jennie's open mouth. The bitter taste making her face scrunchup as she leant over to their nightstand and took a large swig from bottle of water left their early in the day.

She flipped down beside Lisa with a huff, snuggling into her side as her eyelids grew heavy. "I love you"

"love you too honey"

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