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Little do the mysterious guards know, she hates planes with a passion.

Not that she can put up a fight.

When they actually stop, she tries her best not to freak out. It's just a big metal bird. I'll be fine.

I hope.

She attempts to open the door, and isn't surprised when she finds it's locked.

'Open the door, Men in Black.' She groans, tugging on the handle rapidly.

The guards seem unresponsive, making Harriet even angrier in her own attempts to unlock the car door. Bruce sniggers, opening his own door without any problems. 

Harriet scrambles across the leather seats, reaching out for the handle so it wouldn't close.

She just makes it, cursing when her hand wedges between the metal door.

After slowly prying her hand away and opening the door, she looks down at her wrist. The skin around it is cut and bruised purple from the door. It runs around her wrist in a full circle. It's not a pretty sight.



When they enter the airport, it's bustling and busy with people young and old, all rushing to get to their desired destinations.

Harriet tries not to bump into anyone, smiling flatly.

After a few contradictory glances her way, Harriet sits down on an empty seat, the rough surface making a scratching noise against her jeans.

'Is it always this busy?' She asks the guards standing in front of her, their black suits folding as they both turn to face her.

'The Georgia airport is always this busy, Miss Brown. Not as busy as New York.' The male guard speaks, tones of a Southern accent in his deep voice.

Harriet nods. She smothers a laugh in her elbow, disguising it as a cough. 'How long will I be in New York?' She asks, cocking her head to one side out of curiosity.

'Until your mother is found and you are safe, Miss Brown.' This makes her scowl. That's not a good answer. It's mysterious and closed ended. 

'Call me Harriet.' She says softly, utterly disheartened.

Harriet is on a plane.

Ever since the flight started, she's been feeling just as sick as she did when she was in the car.

The lovely flight attendant comes by her a few times, and Harriet can tell she's skeptical about the ordeal of the two guards sitting by Harriet.

But she doesn't question it.

'When does the plane land?' Harriet inquires, slightly uncomfortable being squashed between the broad shoulders of the security people.

The attendant comes over, her little red heels clicking against the carpet on the plane. 

'In about 11 hours.' She says cheerily, white teeth flashing as she smiles. Harriet just smiles back, masking her annoyance under a thin veil of delusive contentment.

When the attendant is gone, Harriet quickly nicks a pair of earphones off the sleeping passenger sitting in front of her, wiping them on her Metallica  tour shirt and stuffing them in her ears.

For an ephemeral moment she thinks she can hear a buzzing noise, but soon realises its just feedback from the plane.

When she's connected them to the compact screen on the seat in front of her, she scrolls through the selection of movies.

'Anything you guys wanna watch? Or are you too busy brooding to choose one?' Harriet remarks sarcastically, raising an eyebrow as she waits for one of them to respond. 'What are your names anyways? Do you even have names?'

The female one smiles slightly, the first sign of joy Harriet had seen from either of them in the short amount of time she'd known them. 'I'm Sasha, he's Joshua.' She gestures to the male guard on Harriet's left.

Harriet nods. 'Choose a movie. Now, if you may.' Joshua rolls his eyes and points to a movie on the corner of the screen.


Three hours into the flight, Harriet is fast asleep, snoring contently on Sasha's shoulder. She can't hear what the "security guards" are saying. She doesn't know they aren't security guards either.

Harriet Percival Ames Brown, for once in her life, is relaxed.


a/n: writing at fucking ultra speed here. longer chapter i guess; idk :) Halloween is comin' up soon guys, i hope ur excited! i mean, people are probably gonna read this in around 3 years, but y'know what i mean. more chapters will be coming, do not worry (i dont think you were anyways).

love yall,

xo, -cie✦

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